This unit is about polynomials and the algebraic methods related to polynomials.  The technique of combining like terms is demonstrated through models that represent the algebraic processes. Further exploration with polynomials will include multiplying a polynomial by a monomial.


 Mixing Letters and Numbers (02:02)
 Polynomials: Groups of Unlike Terms (03:01)
Practice Worksheet: Combine Like Terms
Answer Key (Password Protected)
Practice Worksheet: Monomial Times a Polynomial
Answer Key (Password Protected)
Content Explanations for Review Problems
Review of Decimals and Integers
Customary and Metric Units
Perimeter, Circumference, and Area
Surface Area and Volume
Derive Formulas
Similar Shapes
Relations and Functions
Direct and Inverse Variation
Slopes and Constant Rates
Between the Set of Ordered Pairs
Linear and Nonlinear Equations