This unit is about sequences and patterns.  One type of sequence is the arithmetic sequence where the change in terms is a constant difference. Another type of sequence is the geometric sequence where the terms change exponentially.  In addition, formulas will be examined to find the “nth” term of an arithmetic sequence and of a geometric sequence.

  Introduction: Fashion Sequence (01:33)
Practice Worksheet: Sequences
Answer Key (Password Protected)
  Arithmetic Sequences and Series -- Amphitheater  (03:08)

 Geometric Sequences and Series -- Family Tree  (02:49)
Content Explanations for Review Problems
The Real Number System and Order of Operations
Solve and Graph Linear Inequalities
Graphs of Linear Equations
Linear and Nonlinear Equations
Simplify Algebraic Expressions
Multi-Step Equations
Systems of Equations
Discrete and Continuous Data
Collect and Compare Data
Counting and Arrangements