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In previous units, complex numbers were introduced and explored, and the “ArcTangent” was used to find to rotation angles when two complex numbers were multiplied. The complex plane and trigonometry are intricately related and have many applications in modern technology. Computer circuitry and electronics are highly dependent on the interconnections between trigonometry and complex numbers. In the branch of mathematics known as “Analytic Number Theory”, complex numbers, trigonometry, and  logarithms may hold the key to discerning a pattern for the distribution of prime numbers. Since high-level security systems depend on the prime factors of composite integers, a method for deciding the distribution of prime numbers would be an invaluable tool for government and private use. In this unit we will explore the relationships between trigonometry and complex numbers, develop methods for converting complex numbers to trigonometric form (and vice versa), and we will find roots of complex numbers using trigonometric techniques.

De Moivre’s Formula (Reference) PDF

Table of Sines, Cosines, and Tangent PDF

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Complex Numbers and Polar Form
Complex numbers rectangular and trig form