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When working with 3-D shapes we can find volume of the shapes.  Volume is capacity that the shape can hold.  It is measured in cubic units. 

To determine the volume of a rectangular prism, find the area of the base by multiplying the length times the width, and then find the volume by multiplying by the height.

Prisms come in many shapes and sizes, so a good rule of thumb for finding the volume of a prism is to calculate the area of the base and then multiply that area by the height of the prism.

To determine the volume of a cylinder, find the area of the base which is a circle, and then multiply that area by the height of the cylinder for volume.

Doubling dimensions may have unexpected results on the new volume.  We’ll look at how the doubling of dimensions on a 3-D shape effects its volume.

Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Volume of a Prism

Volume of a Cylinder

Doubling Dimensions Effects on Volume

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Volume of Prisms and Cylinders
Volume of Prisms and Pyramids