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Numbers may be raised to powers.  A number is said to be “square” when it is raised to the second power.  Numbers raised to the third power are said to be “cubed”.  The power of a number is called its exponent.

First, we’ll review positive exponents.  Then, we’ll look at powers of ten and the meaning of negative powers of ten.  Powers of ten are used in expanded notation and scientific notation. 

We will extend our understanding of powers by examining other bases with positive exponents, negative exponents and zero as an exponent. 

We will apply our knowledge of exponents to place value of whole numbers and place value of decimals.  To express the value of each digit in a number, we write the expanded notation.  Expanded notation can be expressed in standard notation or exponential notation.

Perfect Squares and Square Roots

Factors and Powers

Powers of Ten


Place Value – Whole Numbers


Place Value – Decimals

 Decimal Numbers, Place Value
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Login:  vla            Password:  student

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Click on the icon to find and practice topics for this unit.
Evaluate the Exponents
Write the Numbers in Standard Form