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Unit Overview


In Unit #3 of this course you took the pre-test for the Presidential Fitness Test.  Now it is time to take the post-test for the Presidential Fitness Test.  You will be taking the post physical fitness test in two parts. You will be taking part one of the tests in this unit, and you will be taking part two in the next unit.  You must practice each test one time before recording your score.  You do not want to practice the test and then take a test for your score in the same day.  In other words, you could practice the Curl-Up Test then in the same day take a score for the Push-Up Test. You have saved a copy of the Fitness Test Record Sheet that you downloaded to record the scores of the pre-test in unit #3.   Notice that there is also a place for the post-test scores on the score sheet.  You may use the same Fitness Test Record Sheet that you used for your pre-test to record your scores for your post-test. 


You will also be completing another activity log for this week.


Recording Your Scores


Remember, you should have a saved copy of your pre-test results from when you took the pre-test in unit #3.  There is space on this sheet to record your post-test scores.  This will make it easier for you to compare the pre and post scores in the last unit of the course.


As mentioned above, you will need to send a copy of The Presidential Fitness Test Record Sheet to your VLA instructor as an attachment in the questions section of this unit.  This will show your scores for the post-test.   Use the same Fitness Test Record Sheet that you used for your pre-test to record your scores for your post-test.  If for some reason you need to download a new copy of the Fitness Test Record Sheet, you may download it as s PDF file.



Remember, the test is to be done with the supervision of a parent or guardian. 



Also, you will be required to take some body measurements for this unit just as you did in unit #3. You will record your body measurements and keep them for your own reference so you can compare these body measurements to the ones you took in unit #3.  You will need your before- and after- body measurements for some questions in the last unit of the course.  Remember, one of the goals for this course is to be physically fit, and hopefully you have lost some inches since the beginning of this course. 


Note:  You will still be required to do your regular weekly activity log and/or pedometer log.  The activities in this unit are in addition to your weekly activities.


Below is the list of events that you are required to complete for this unit.  The remainder of the events will be completed in next unit.


·         Curl-Ups

·         V-Sit Reach

·         Right Angle Push-ups

·         Body Measurements


The procedure for each test will be reviewed in this unit.  Remember, you should practice each test at least one time before actually recording a score for your post-test. Do not practice and take the test on the same day.   For the V-Sit Reach test you will be given some specific directions on how to make some lines with tape. These lines are necessary to complete this event.  If you have any questions on any of the President’s Fitness Test, please notify your instructor.



Materials Needed to Take the Test









Curl-Up Testing


§  Lie on a cushioned, clean surface with your knees flexed and your feet about 12 inches from your buttocks. 

§  Place your hands on the opposite shoulders with your arms crossed. 

§  Have a parent or guardian hold your feet and count your curl-ups. 

§  Keeping this arm position, raise your trunk, curling up to touch your elbows to your thighs.  Then lower your back to the floor so that the scapulas (shoulder blades) touch the floor.  That would be one complete Curl-Up. 

§  To start, a timer calls out the signal "Ready? Go!" and begins timing you for one minute. 

§  Stop the test when the timer says “Stop”.  

§  A complete Curl-Up is counted for each time you lie back down and touch the floor with your shoulders. 

§  This is a timed test. 

§  You may rest in the up position only. 

§  Do as many curl-ups as you can in one minute. 

§  Remember to only count the Curl-Ups that are done correctly. 





Curl-Ups Tip


§  Count aloud the number of repetitions that are done correctly.



Curl-Ups Scoring


§  "Bouncing" off the floor is not permitted.

§  The Curl-Up should be counted only if performed correctly.






  Remember do not do the practice test and the test for score on the same day. 




V-Sit Reach Test



How to Make Your Measuring Lines



1.  Mark a straight line two feet long on the floor as the baseline.




2.      Draw a measuring line perpendicular to the midpoint of the baseline extending two feet on each side and marked off in half-inches.  Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect to form a right angle.





3.  The point where the baseline and measuring line intersect is the "0" point.




V-Sit Reach Testing



§  With your shoes off, place your feet to 12 inches apart on a line marked on the floor. This is the baseline, which will be crossed by a measuring line that will be used to measure your flexibility.

§  Clasp your thumbs so your hands are together with palms facing down, and then place them on the measuring line.

§  Have someone hold your legs straight and keep your toes facing upward.

§  As you reach forward, exhale, and reach as far as you can while staying in good position.

§  Try this three times for practice, and the fourth trial will be recorded.






Practice the V-Sit Reach Test once, and then take the test for score.  Remember do not do the practice test and the test for score on the same day.



http://www.presidentschallenge.org/images/shared/spacer.gifRight Angle Push-Ups



Right Angle Push-Ups Testing


§  You should lie face down on a mat in the Push-Up position.

§  You should have your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, palms flat on the mat, fingers pointing forward.

§  Your legs should be straight, parallel, and slightly apart with your toes supporting your feet.

§  Straighten your arms, keeping your back and knees straight while you lower your body.  Keep lowering until there is a 90-degree angle at your elbows and your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Then push back up.

§  Do one Push-Up every three seconds until you cannot complete one at this pace.


Right Angle Push-Ups Tip


§  Spend as little time in the starting position beforehand in order to increase the number of repetitions.

§  Any extra movement may also decrease the number of repetitions.


Right Angle Push-Ups Scoring


§  Record only those Push-Ups done with proper form and rhythm.  correct body position for push-ups (GIF, 10 kB)



Remember, do not do the practice test and the test for score on the same day.




Body Measurements


The purpose of exercising is not only losing weight, but also bringing about the correct body proportion. Check your measurements once a month and if you are working at the right intensity level you will notice an improvement in your body measurements. The most common measurements include the circumference of your chest, biceps, waist, hips and thighs. Sometimes the neck, forearm and calf are also measured


How to Measure



Body Measurements


Chest: Measure around the largest part of your chest.


Biceps: Measure midway between the top of your shoulder and elbow.


Waist: Measure at the narrowest point, approximately one inch above your belly button. No cheating! Don't pull in your belly or stick it out.


Hips: Measure your hips around the largest part of your buttocks with your heels together.


Thigh: Thighs are measured separately. Stand with your legs slightly apart. Measure your upper leg where the circumference is largest.




§  Use a flexible measuring tape as used by dressmakers. It can be as long as you need. If you use a plastic or cloth tape, bear in mind that these materials may stretch over time.

§  Wear the thinnest clothes possible or none at all, so as not to add to the measurements you take.

§  Try to measure yourself in front of a full-length mirror so that you can see if the tape is positioned correctly.

§  Perhaps you could find another person to help with the measuring. They would be able to read the results more easily.

§  Keep your muscles relaxed while measuring.

§  When measuring, pull the tape just tight enough to keep it from sagging.


You will take your body measurements including your height and weight.   Use the Body Measurements Record Sheet that you downloaded previously to record your measurements.  You have already completed the measurements in the column labeled #1.  The measurements you take this time should be entered in to the column labeled #2.  If you need to download a new copy of the form, you may download a copy as a PDF File. Here it is as a word document: Body Measurement Record Sheet

This is your personal information.  You do not have to send your body measurments to your VLA instructor.  You will, however, have to send your scores on the Presidential Fitness Test to your VLA instructor.  The information on the Body Measurements Record Sheet will help you see the progress you have made.