Percents are all around us.  Look at the ads in a newspaper and you will find percents advertised by places offering sales on their merchandise.  Percents are a special way to express quantities based on hundredths.

Fractions may be expressed as percents by finding an equivalent fraction in hundredths and then writing the numerator as a percent.

Improper fractions may also be expressed as percents.  Improper fractions convert to percents greater than 100.

To find small percents such as percents less than one, write the percent as hundredths and then divide to find the fraction or decimal that could be used in computations.

For every percent there is an equivalent fraction or decimal.  Equivalent percents, fractions, and decimals provide a variety of ways to solve problems. 

To begin, study the decimal squares and solve the problems given.


Fractions to Percent

Improper Fractions to Percents Over 100  

Percents Less Than One

Percents, Fractions, and Decimals

Convert Between Percents, Fractions and Decimals
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Decimal Squares

Percents of Numbers
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Username: vla
Password: student

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Unit 14 Convert Fraction to Decimal Worksheet
Unit 14 Convert Fraction to Percent Worksheet
Unit 14 Convert Decimal to Percent Worksheet
Unit 14 Solve It Activity