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Unit Overview

In this unit you will be using the PhET simulation, Gravity and Orbits to show how a satellite revolves around the Earth. You will see how a satellite depends on distance from the Earth as well as its tangential speed. These are concepts that you learned in Unit 11 and will apply now, in unit 12 while you navigate through the simulation.

The simulation “Gravity and Orbits” allows you to explore the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. The simulation allows to select different objects (each with a different mass) to which a horizontal force can be applied (by a fellow named Joe). Different aspects of the objects motion can then be measured.

Download the Activity sheet to your desktop and type in your answers.

Gravity and Orbits Activity Sheet


A look ahead...

In the next unit we will be talking about different types of energy, how one form can be converted to another, and we will also explore the relationship between energy work and power. The main forms of energy in the next unit are potential and kinetic energy. Throughout the rest of the course we will learn about different types of energy such as light, sound and thermal energy.



Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.

Unit 12 Resource 1

Unit 12 Resource 2