SS World History  - Unit 31: The Liberation of Africa
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The Liberation of Africa

Unit Overview

As with other regions of the world, the twentieth century brought resentment of colonialism and a spirit of nationalism to Africa.  In 1950, there were only four independent countries on the African continent, but virtually every nation in Africa had achieved self-rule by 1970.  Although they rejoiced in their freedom, the new governments encountered serious economic, social and political problems.  Let’s see how it all happened.

Complete the activity below.


Section A Questions

Use the information from Quizlet to answer the following questions:

1) Negritude is best described as which of the following:

2) The Democratic Republic of the Congo was once a colony of which of the following:

3) Which of the following countries was governed by a series of cruel dictators after gaining its independence:

4) A cash crop is produced to be used by its owner.

5) Which of the following terms refers to an extreme shortage of food:

Section B Questions

Use the information found in The Rise of African Nationalism to answer the following questions:

6) Choose three outcomes that resulted from European imperialism in Africa.

b and c are correct

7) Africans who returned to the continent after being educated in the West were usually considered less qualified for professional jobs than their European counterparts.

8) In many African nations, protests became ___________ in the early 1900s.

9) Which of the following did not result from the Pan-African Conference in 1919:

10) The recommendations of the Pan-African Conference were ignored by the European colonial powers.

11) Which of the following topics would an author of the Negritude movement be the most likely to address: 

Section C Questions

Use the information in The Legacy of Colonialism to answer the following questions:

12) European efforts to improve African infrastructure were designed to meet which of the following goals:

13) Once African colonies achieved independence, which of the following was true concerning trade:

14) The colonial powers drew borders on the African continent based on which of the following:

15) After declaring their independence, most African countries chose not to draw new borders.  This resulted in which of the following:

16) In 1965, over 80% of Africans were unable to read or write.  How did this affect the creation of stable governments in Africa?

Section D Questions

Use the information in Africa and the Cold War along to answer the following questions:

17) Because the United States and the Soviet Union supplied weapons to African nations, these countries often used which of the following methods to solve problems and disuputes:

18) Interference by the superpowers contributed to the overall stability of African governments.

19) What efffect did the interference of the superpowers have on the war between Somalia and Ethiopia?
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20) Angola was once a colony of which of the following:

21) Angola quickly established a stable government when the United States and the Soviet Union ended the Cold War.

22) Which of the following are currently Angola's most important exports:

Section E Questions

Use the information in The Impact of Independence to answer the following questions:


23) Which of the following was not true concerning Jomo Kenyatta’s leadership in Kenya:

24) Unlike many other African nations, Kenya was able to avoid eruptions of prolonged violence. List two advantages the resulted from this lack of unrest.

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25) Which of the following was not true of the Congo:

26) Control of the Katanga province essential to the economy of the Congo because the country's copper mines were located here.

27) Idi Amin has been labeled as one of Africa’s cruelest dictators. List two reasons for this.

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28) The removal of Idi Amin from power ended acts of genocide in Uganda.

Section F Questions

Use the information in Old and New Issues to answer the following questions:

29) Which of the following best accounts for the increase in Africa’s population:

30) By 2035, Africa will account for what percentage of the world's population?
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31) In recent decades, Africa’s population had become increasingly rural.

32) Choose one of the following activities below and complete a time log.

Activity 1: Timeline Creation

Provide students with a list of significant events related to African colonialism and the rise of independence movements (e.g., the Pan-African Congress, key leaders like Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Dubois).
Ask students to create a timeline on paper, marking the events with dates and brief descriptions (2-3 sentences each).
Students can illustrate their timelines with drawings or symbols that represent each event.

Activity 2: Compare and Contrast Chart

Have students create a two-column chart on paper. Label one column "Colonial Rule" and the other "Post-Independence."
Instruct them to list at least five aspects of life under colonial rule (e.g., land loss, forced labor, limited rights) and five aspects of life after independence (e.g., new governments, civil unrest, economic challenges).
Encourage them to think critically about how colonialism affected various aspects of life in Africa and how independence changed those aspects.

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