zMath 160  - Unit 28: Negative Numbers and Graphing in the Coordinate Plane

Exploring Negative Numbers

Use negative numbers to represent the values in problems #1 through #3.


John borrowed $5 from his friend. He wants to pay him back plus give him an extra $1 for lending him the money. How much money does he need?

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A scuba diver dived 54 ft below sea level to find an oyster. He then swam up 20 feet to open the oyster to see if it contained a pearl. How many feet below sea level was he when he opened the oyster?

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Jimmy was on the 5th floor of the hotel. He road the elevator down to the 3rd floor underground to get his car. How many floors did he pass by to get to the underground car garage?

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Absolute Value



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5) |-7|

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Your time machine has a dial for going forward and back in time (in years) where -1 means you travel back a year and 1 means you travel forward a year. If you set your dial to -7, how far in time will you travel?

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Cole was born in 2003, his sister Olivia was born in 1995. What is the absolute value of the difference of the years they were born?

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In the coordinate plane below, points are represented with letters. Write the ordered pair for each of the lettered points.
Example: Point Q – Ordered Pair is (5,4)

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Graphing in Quadrants II, III, and IV of the Coordinate Plane


In the coordinate plane below, points are represented with letters. Write the ordered pair for each of the points next to the lettered item.
Examples: Point R – Ordered Pair is (-1,2); Point S – Ordered Pair is (-3,-4); Point T – Ordered Pair is (5,-3)

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Print out the coordinate plane. Graph the ordered pairs and connect with line segments as you go along. State the geometric shape that is formed.

(2, 4), (4, 2), (4, -2), (2, -4), (-2, -4), (-4, -2), (-4, 2), (-2, 4)

Printable Coordinate Plane

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Graphing Functions


Print out the chart and grid. To graph a function, input is the x-coordinate and output is the y-coordinate. Using the input (x) and the function rule, determine the output (y), and then write ordered pairs for x and y, (x, y). Use the ordered pairs to graph the function in the coordinate plane. State each of the ordered pairs and describe the appearance of the graph.

Printable Chart and Grid

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Locate another point that falls on the line that you graphed above that is not listed in the table. State the ordered pair for that that point.

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Refer to the graph in the Graphing Functions section of the unit.  An extra blue point that falls on the line is added.  That point is not shown in the table. The steps below the graph show that the point is also a part of the group of points that belong to the function.  Write three steps that show that the point you located in the previous problem belongs to the function, y = x – 1.

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Print out the chart and grid. To graph a function, input is the x-coordinate and output is the y-coordinate. Using the input (x) and the function rule, determine the output (y), and then write ordered pairs for x and y, (x, y). Use the ordered pairs to graph the function in the coordinate plane. You may have to extend the coordinate plane. State each of the ordered pairs and describe the appearance of the graph.

Printable Grid and Chart

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Locate another point that falls on the line that is not listed in the table. Write the ordered pair that point.

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Refer to the graph in the Graphing Functions section of the unit.  An extra blue point that falls on the line is added.  That point is not shown in the table. The steps below the graph show that the point is also a part of the group of points that belong to the function.  Write three steps that show that the point you located in the previous problem belongs to the function, y = 2x.

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Print out the chart and grid. To graph a function, input is the x-coordinate and output is the y-coordinate. Using the input (x) and the function rule, determine the output (y), and then write ordered pairs for x and y, (x, y). Use the ordered pairs to graph the function in the coordinate plane. You may have to extend the coordinate plane. State each of the ordered pairs and describe the appearance of the graph.

Printable Chart and Grid

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Locate another point that falls on the line that is not listed in the table. Write the ordered pair that point.

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Refer to the graph in the Graphing Functions section of the unit.  An extra blue point that falls on the line is added.  That point is not shown in the table. The steps below the graph show that the point is also a part of the group of points that belong to the function.  Write three steps that show that the point you located in the previous problem belongs to the function, y = x + 3.

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Use the input and output to find the function.

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Use the input and output to find the function.

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Graphing Transformations


Translate the square to the left 2 units. Write the ordered pairs to the new square below.

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Did the x-coordinate or y-coordinate change? What was the change?

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Reflect the rectangle over the x-axis. Write the new ordered pairs to the reflected rectangle below.

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Did the x-coordinate or y-coordinate change? What was the change?

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Jennifer is doing a survey to determine how many of the students in her grade will like a new fruit drink. She plans to bring to school six 2-liter bottles of the fruit drink. Will she have enough to give each of the 110 sixth grade students a sample cup containing 100 milliliters of the fruit drink? Explain your answer.

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Use the triangle to answer questions #28 through #30.


Find the area of the triangle. Label the answer correctly.

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Find the perimeter of the triangle. Label the answer correctly.

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If the base and height were doubled, the area of the triangle would be tripled.


If the circumference of a circle is 314 cm. What is the diameter?

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For the following problem, use the 3-D shape.


Choose the correct letter for the top view of the above 3-D shape.


Find the volume of the rectangular prism.

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Use a calculator to find the surface area of this cylinder.

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Evaluate these expressions in problems #24 and #25 when x = 3, y = 5, and z = 2.


Solve. (x + y) ÷ z

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Solve:  y2 + xz

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