MATHCP Algebra I  - Unit 05: Rational Numbers and Exponents
Rational Numbers

In the following problems, simplify each expression.

1) Simplify.

2) Simplify.

3) Simplify.

4) Simplify.

5) Simplify.

6) Simplify.

7) Simplify.

8) Simplify.

Solving Equations with Rational Numbers

In the following problems, solve each equation.

9) Solve for m.

10) Solve for x.

11) Solve for b.

12) Solve for m.

13) Solve for x.

14) Solve for x.

15) Solve for m.

Exponent Properties

In the following problems, simplify by applying the properties of exponents.

16) Simplify.

17) Simplify.

18) Simplify.

19) Simplify.

20) Simplify.

21) Simplify.

Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

Multiplying and Dividing Monomials

22) Simplify.

23) Simplify.

Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems about multiplying monomials.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems about dividing monomials.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

Exponent Properties Applied to Rational Exponents

24) Which expression shows the meaning of the given number that is raised to a rational exponent?

25) Evaluate the given expression. 

26) Evaluate the given expression. 

27) Evaluate the given expression.

Simplify the following problems by applying the rules of exponents.

28) Simplify the given expression.

29) Simplify the given expression.


Evaluate the following problems following the order of operations.

30) Evaluate.

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Variables, and Properties.

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31) Evaluate.

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Variables, and Properties.

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32) Evaluate the given problem for a = 5 and b = 3.

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Variables, and Properties.

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33) Evaluate the given problem for a = 5, b = 3, and c = 4.

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Variables, and Properties.

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34) Translate the following phrase into an algebraic expression:  "thirty-two more than Steve’s age".

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Variables, and Properties.

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35) Translate the following phrase into an algebraic expression: "the product of a number and 10". 

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Variables, and Properties.

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36) What property is illustrated in the given statement?

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities.

37) Simplify by applying the distributive property

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities.

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38) Solve the inequality, and then choose the correct graph for the solution.  

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities.

39) Solve the equation for x.

Click here to review the unit content explanation for Integers and Equations.

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