MATHCP Algebra I  - Unit 03: Integers and Equations
Comparing Integers

1) Select the correct missing symbol.

2) Fill in the missing symbol.

3) Fill in the missing symbol.

4) Fill in the missing symbol.

5) Fill in the missing symbol.

6) Fill in the missing symbol.

Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

Adding and Subtracting Integers

For the next ten problems, simplify each expression.

7) Find the sum: 18 + (–5)

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8) Find the difference:  –23 + (–43)

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9) Find the difference:  –13 – 4

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10) 31 – (–6)

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11) Simplify:  47 + 32 + (–16)

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12) Find the difference:  –28 – 35

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Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

Multiplying and Dividing Integers

13) Find the product:  (–7)(–2)

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14) Find the quotient:

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15) Find the quotient:

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16) Find the product:  11(–4)(7)

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Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

Real Number Properties of Equality

17) Which property of equality is applied in the second step?

18) Which property of equality can be used to solve the equation?

Solving Basic Equations

19) Solve for x:   8x + 4 = 68

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20) Solve for x:  –7x – 24 = –129

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21) Solve for x:  5(3x – 2) = 35

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22) Solve for y:  3(2y – 3) = 27

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Literal Equations / Formulas

23) Solve the literal equation  ax + b = c  for the variable x?

24) For the formula given below, solve the literal equation for F,  and then use this formula to convert 25 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides

25) Solve for x:  5x – 2 = 6 + x

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26) Solve 10 – 3x = 2x – 8x + 40 for x and construct a viable argument to justify each step of the solution.

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27) Solve the equation for y:  9(y + 2) = 3(y – 2)

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28) Solve the equation for x:  2(x + 1) = 3x – 3

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29) Solve the equation for m:  2(8m – 7) = 2(3 + 4m)

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30) Solve the equation for y

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31) Bob is going to have his house painted.  Henry’s Painting LLC charges $250 plus $14 per hour.  Crewtop’s Creations charges $22 per hour with no additional charges.  Which equation can be used to determine the number of hours when both offers are equal?

32) For the previous problem, what is the least number of hours needed for the job to make Henry's offer the better deal?  State the answer as a whole number.

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Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

More Extra Practice:  Check with you instructor to see if s/he would like for you to do some extra practice problems.  Click here to view the practice worksheet.

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