MATH Integrated Math II  - Unit 8: Formulas
Perimeter, Circumference, Area

1) What is the difference between perimeter and area?

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2) How are perimeter and circumference the same? How are they different?

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For the next four problems, solve for the missing measurement. Round the answers to the nearest tenth, if necessary. Label the answers correctly.

3) Rectangle: l = 3.9 in, w = ?, A = 58.5 sq in

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4) Triangle: b = 10 mm, h = 7.9 mm, A = ?

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5) Rectangle: l = ?, w = 8 ft, P = 52 ft

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6) Triangle: b = (3/4) ft, h = ?, A = 0.3 sq ft

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7) What is the difference between a polygon and a REGULAR polygon?

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Research the Internet to find the names of the various polygons indicated by the number of sides in the chart below. In your research, also find how the name “polygon” originated, and then answer the next two questions.

8) State each missing polygon’s name and how many sides the polygon has.

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9) Write a paragraph about how the name “polygon” originated. Also state the website that you used as a reference.

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10) Find the area of the figure shown below based on the following description: The horizontal length of the figure is trisected by the two dotted perpendicular lines. The length of one trisected segment is 10 centimeters. The height of the figure is twice the length of the vertical edge (8 cm) of the figure. Label answer correctly. (Hint: Divide the shape into two trapezoids and one rectangle, and then find the sum of the three areas.)

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11) Give a detailed explanation of how you figured the area in the previous problem.

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12) If the perimeter of a regular enneagon is 74.7 mm, how long is one side? Label answer correctly.

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13) What is the perimeter of the given figure? Round the answer to the nearest tenth.

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14) In the figure shown below, the width of the rectangle is 1/3 its length. The diameter of each circle is 12 mm. If the three circles are stamped out of the metal sheet, what is the area of the sheet that is left? Round the answer to the nearest tenth and label the answer correctly.

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Find the perimeter and the area of each of the given rectangles, and then answer the next four questions. (Note: recall that squares are rectangles that have four congruent sides.)

15) What is the perimeter of each rectangle?

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16) What is the area of each rectangle? State the letter of rectangle, and then state its area.

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17) Which rectangle has the largest area? State the letter of the rectangle.

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18) You have 32 feet of fencing and want to determine the maximum area that can be enclosed with the fencing to make a flower garden. You do not want to deal with fractions or decimals, so you are limiting the dimensions to whole numbers. Also, the area is to be rectangular (or square) in shape. Copy or print out the chart below to organize your work. (a) What are the dimensions of the figure that yields the maximum area? (b) What is the area of the figure?

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19) What if, in the previous problem, you decide to try a different shape for the flower garden and remove the limit of making the dimensions whole numbers? If the garden were circular in shape, what area could be enclosed with the 32 feet of fencing? Round the answer to the nearest tenth.

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20) Explain how you determined the answer to the previous problem.

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21) Compare the area of the circle with the maximum area of the rectangular (square) shape. How much larger is the area of the circle?

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22) The perimeter of the rectangle shown below is 70 cm. (a) What is the value of “y”? (b) What is the length of the rectangle? (c) What is the width of the rectangle?

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For the next three problems, use these rectangles to conduct a small experiment.

23) State the areas for each of the rectangles.

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24) Double both the length and the width of each rectangle, and then state the areas.

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25) Compare the new areas with the original areas. Consider what happens to the area of a rectangle when both dimensions are doubled. Write a general conditional statement (if-then) that illustrates the relationship of doubling both dimensions of a rectangle and how the area changes.

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26) Solve for the missing measurement: distance (d) = 700 mi, rate (r) = ?, time ( t) = 11 1/4 hr

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27) What is the difference between surface area and volume?

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28) The edge of a cube measures 7 cm. (a) What is the volume of the cube? (b) What is surface area of the cube?

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29) The formulas below are the surface area and volume formulas of what 3-dimensional shape?

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30) The formulas below are the surface area and volume formulas of what 3-dimensional shape?

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31) Solve the volume formula of a cylinder for h (height). State the letter of the correct answer.

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32) What is the height of a cylinder that has a volume of 3416.32 cubic millimeters and a radius of 8 millimeters?

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33) Solve the simple interest formula for principal (p). State the letter of the correct answer.

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34) How much money must be invested at 6% to earn $300 over a four-year period? Use simple interest to calculate the answer.

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35) Refer to the rectangular prism shown below with the given dimensions to answer the following questions: (a) What is the height of the prism? (b) What is the surface area of the prism?

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36) The dimensions of three rectangular prisms are given in the chart below. Find the volumes of the original prisms. Then double the length, width, and height of the rectangular prism and find the new volumes. Compare the new volumes with the original volumes. Consider what happens to the volume of a rectangular prism when the length, width, and height are doubled. Write a general conditional statement (if-then) that illustrates the relationship of doubling the dimensions of a rectangular prism and how the volume changes. Use the chart below to organize your work and make your observations.

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Venn Diagrams

37) Complete the following conditional statement based on the Venn diagram given below: If the Earth is a planet, then ______________________________.

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38) Fill in the blanks shown in the Venn diagram below for the following conditional statement: If a snake is a reptile, then it is a cold-blooded animal”. State the letter and then the answer.

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Extended Research: Check with your instructor to see if he/she is interested in awarding extra credit to you for writing a one-page report on the following research topic: There are lots of naturally formed rectangles and interesting man-made constructions in which the “Golden Rectangle” with the “Golden Ratio” is used. Some say this rectangle is the most visually appealing to the eye. Research the Internet to find information about the “Golden Rectangle” and the “Golden Ratio” and places where it occurs naturally and also where it is used in man-made constructions. Provide pictures and text in your report. Prepare the report in a word-processing document and send it to your instructor via email. List the websites that you used for references. (To use a picture on a website, often times you can right-click on the picture, and then paste it into your document. Be sure to list the website from which the picture is borrowed in the references.)

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