MATHCP Geometry  - Unit 25: Polygons, Tessellations, and Area

1) Describe a polygon.

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For the next two problems, fill in the blanks to complete the statements.

2) When the sides of a convex polygon are extended as lines, none of the lines fall in the __________ of the polygon.

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3) When a polygon has at least one side that, if extended, lies within the interior of the polygon, it is called a __________ polygon.

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4) Which figure shown below is a polygon? State the letter of the correct answer.

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5) What is the difference between a concave polygon and a convex polygon?

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6) Classify the polygons shown below by answering the following questions: (a) Which of the polygons are convex? (b) Which of the polygons are concave? For both questions, state the letters of the correct answers.

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7) In the pentagon shown below, measure each of the interior angles with a protractor. What is the SUM of the five interior angles?

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8) What is the missing number in the formula about Theorem 25-A shown below?

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9) Apply Theorem 25-A to the pentagon in problem #8. What is the sum of the five angles in any pentagon? If the sum of the angles in problem #8 is not close to the sum determined by the formula in Theorem 25-A, check the measurements and calculations to determine a more accurate answer.

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10) In the pentagon shown below, measure each of the exterior angles with a protractor. What is the SUM of the five exterior angles?

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11) Theorem 25-B: In a convex polygon, the sum of the exterior angles is ______ degrees.

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12) What is the difference between a polygon and a regular polygon?

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Activity: There are five REGULAR polygons listed in the chart shown below. Complete the chart by determining and calculating the number of sides, the sum of the interior angles, the size of one interior angle, the size of one exterior angle, and the sum of the exterior angles. Then answer the next five questions.

13) What is the sum of the interior angles of a (a) square, (b) pentagon, (c) hexagon, (d) octagon, (e) decagon, (f) 100-gon, and (g) 1000-gon?

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14) What is the size of one interior angle of a (a) square, (b) regular pentagon, (c) regular hexagon, (d) regular octagon, (e) regular decagon, (f) regular 100-gon, and (g) regular 1000-gon?

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15) What is the size of one exterior angle of a (a) square, (b) regular pentagon, (c) regular hexagon, (d) regular octagon, (e) regular decagon, (f) regular 100-gon, and (g) regular 1000-gon?

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16) For all of the polygons listed in the chart, the sum of the exterior angles total how many degrees?

17) As the number of sides increases in a regular polygon, what non-polygonal shape does the regular polygon approach?

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18) In the figure shown below, each angle of heptagon DEFGHIJ is expressed in terms of “x”. What is the value of “x”? (Hint: First determine the sum of the interior angles in a heptagon, and then write an equation to solve.)

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19) For parallelogram EFGH shown below, solve for “x”. (a) What is the measure of angle E? (b) What is the measure of angle F? (c) What is the measure of angle G? (d) What is the measure of angle H?

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20) If an exterior angle of a REGULAR polygon measures 24 degrees, how many sides does the polygon have?

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21) What is a tessellation?

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22) Which of the following regular polygons can be used to make a regular tessellation of a plane?

23) Which of the following regular polygons CANNOT be used to make a regular tessellation of a plane?

24) In order for polygonal figures to tessellate a plane, the vertices of the figures must meet so that the angles of the polygons total how many degrees?

25) What type of tessellation is illustrated in the hive of honeybees?

26) A square and an equilateral triangle are placed around a regular hexagon so that they alternate and the vertices of the shapes coincide without the shapes overlapping each other. What type of tessellation may be made from this combination of shapes?

27) What regular polygon could be added at point J so that the group of shapes would make a semi-regular tessellation as they tile a plane?

Extended Research: Check with your instructor to see if he/she is interested in awarding extra credit to you for writing a one-page report on the following research topic: M. C. Escher was a great Dutch artist. Some of his artwork displays very complex tessellations as shown below. Write a report on this artist and include information about his life and his work centered on tessellations.

28) Activity: Create a tessellation. It may be a semi-regular or uniform tessellation. Describe the tessellation.

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Area of Parallelograms

For all of the remaining problems in this unit that include measurements, label the answers appropriately.

For all answers that are expressed as radicals, use the following notation to enter the non-keyboard characters.

29) What is the area of the parallelogram shown below?

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30) If the area of a parallelogram is 1547 square inches and its height is 36.4 inches, how long is the base?

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31) For parallelogram ABCD shown below, (a) what is the height and (b) what is the area? Express each answer as a simplified radical.

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32) A grounds keeper is planning to refinish the brick in the front of the building. Determine the area that will be refinished based on the information given in the figure below.

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33) Find the area of the figure shown below.

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Print out parallelogram ABCD shown below, and then solve the next three problems.

34) Use the slope formula to determine the answers to the following questions: (a) What is slope of segment CD? (b) What is the slope of any segment that would be perpendicular to segment CD?

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35) Use the slope determined in the previous problem to draw a height for the parallelogram from point A to segment CD. Label the point where the height intersects segment CD as point E. What are the coordinates of point E?

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36) Use the distance formula and radicals, as needed, to answer the following questions: (a) What is the length of CD? (b) What is the length of AE? (c) What is the area of parallelogram ABCD?

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Refer to the floor plan shown below to answer the next four questions.

37) What is the total area of the kitchen and living room?

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38) How wide is the space provided for the two closets between the bedrooms? (Assume that the width of each closet is the shorter side of the rectangle representing the closet.)

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39) What is the area of the home excluding the garage? (Do not include the deck.)

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40) What fractional part of the home (excluding the garage) is occupied by the kitchen and the living room? Express the answer as a simplified fraction.

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Area of Other Polygons

41) What is the area of the triangle?

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42) If the area of a triangle is 36 5/6 feet and the base of the triangle is 6 1/2 feet, what is the height?

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43) What is the length of one side of a square with an area of 252 square centimeters? Express the answer as a simplified radical.

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44) What is the area of the trapezoid shown below?

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45) Answer the following questions about the trapezoid and information shown below: (a) What is the height of the trapezoid (b) What is the area of the trapezoid? Express both answers as simplified radicals.

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46) If the area of a trapezoid is 176 square feet, its height measures 16 feet, and one of its bases measures 7 feet, what is the length of the other base?

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47) What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AE = 23.9 centimeters and DE = 38.1 centimeters?

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48) What is the area of the rhombus? Express answer as a simplified radical.

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49) If the area of a rhombus is 189 square millimeters and one its diagonals measures 24 millimeters, what is the length of the other diagonal?

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50) What is the area of quadrilateral JKLM based on the information given below? Explain the solution.

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