MATHCP Geometry  - Unit 14: Quadrilaterals, Parallelograms, and Rectangles

1) Fill in the blank. A quadrilateral is a __________ with four sides.

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For the next four questions, select true of false for the given statement and figure.

2) The shape is a quadrilateral.

3) The shape is a quadrilateral.

4) The shape is a quadrilateral.

5) The shape is a quadrilateral.


6) A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are _________.

In the next five problems, select the theorem that best matches the figure and information given.

7) Which theorem is depicted by the figure and information shown below?

8) Which theorem is depicted by the figure and information shown below?

9) Which theorem is depicted by the figure and information shown below?

10) Which theorem is depicted by the figure and information shown below?

11) Which theorem is depicted by the figure and information shown below?

Print out the diagram below and determine where a fourth point T could be placed to make parallelograms QRTS and QRST; and then answer the next two questions.

12) Name the coordinates of point T that when placed in Quadrant II makes parallelogram QRST.

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13) Name the coordinates of point T that when placed in Quadrant IV makes parallelogram QRTS.

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14) Determine if quadrilateral DEFG, with vertices D(–4,2), E(2,5), F(3,0) and G(–1,–2), is a parallelogram. State your answer and support it by giving an explanation based on the slopes of the sides of the quadrilateral.

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In the next four problems, apply the theorems in this unit to solve for the unknown value. Each figure is a parallelogram.

15) Find the value of “x”.

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16) Find the value of “x”.

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17) Find the value of “x”.

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18) Find the value of “x”.

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19) Refer to the parallelogram and information given below to answer the following questions: (a) What is the measure of angle 1? (b) What is the measure of angle 2? (c) What is the measure of angle 3? (d) What is the measure of angle 4?

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20) For parallelogram LMNP, write an expression to represent the length of segment LN if the length of segment RN equals “9x”.

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21) In parallelogram JKLM diagonals JL and KM intersect at point Q. IF KQ = x – 13 and MQ = 2x – 43, answer the following questions: (a) What is the value of “x”? (b) What is the length of diagonal KM?

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22) In parallelogram ABCD, the measurement of angle A equals “7x + 22” and the measure of angle B equals “2x – 13”. What is the measure of each of the four angles in the parallelogram?

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Refer to the figure and information given below to solve the next four problems. It will be helpful to print out or copy the figure below, and then fill in the angle measures in the figure as you work through the problems.

23) Answer the following: (a) What is the measure of angle S? (b) What is the measure of angle R? (c) What is the measure of angle T?

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24) Answer the following: (a) What is the measure of angle BCD? (b) What is the measure of angle ABC? (c) What is the measure of angle ADC?

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25) Answer the following: (a) What is the measure of angle SDC? (b) What is the measure of angle TDA? (c) What is the measure of angle TAD?

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26) Answer the following: (a) What is the measure of angle QAB? (b) What is the measure of angle QBA? (c) What is the measure of angle RBC? (d) What is the measure of angle BCR?

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Refer to parallelogram JKLM to answer the next two questions.

27) What is the missing part of the ordered pair for point J?

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28) What is the missing part of the ordered pair for point K?

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More Properties of Parallelograms

29) Fill in the blank. Theorem 14-F: In a quadrilateral if both pairs of __________ are congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

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30) Fill in the blank. Theorem 14-G: In a quadrilateral if both pairs of __________ are congruent, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

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31) Fill in the blank. Theorem 14-H: In a quadrilateral if its diagonals __________ each other, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

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32) Determine values for x and y, so that quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram.

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33) Fill in the blank. Theorem 14-I: In a quadrilateral if one pair of opposite sides is both __________, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

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34) A rectangle is a parallelogram with four __________.

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35) Refer to rectangle LMNP shown below to answer the following questions: (a) What are the coordinates of point P? (b) What are the coordinates of point M?

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In the next five questions, refer to the given information and figure shown below.

36) Given that angle KGL is complementary with angle GLK, then the measures of the two angles must total __________ degrees, and by the Triangle Sum Theorem, angle K must equal __________ degrees.

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37) Since angle K and angle KGH are consecutive interior angles of parallel lines GH and KL, then their sum equals __________ and the measure of angle KGH equals __________ degrees.

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38) Since angle K and angle KLH are consecutive interior angles of parallel lines ____ and ____, their sum equals 180 degrees and the measure of angle KLH equals 90 degrees.

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39) Since angle K and H are opposite angles of a parallelogram, angle H must equal __________ degrees.

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40) Thus, each of the four angles in parallelogram GHLK equals __________ degrees, and by definition, the parallelogram is a __________.

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41) Fill in the blank. Theorem 14-J: If a parallelogram is a rectangle, then its __________ are congruent.

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42) Refer to rectangle ABCD and the information below to answer the following questions: (a) What is the value of “x”? (b) What are the lengths of segments AC and BD?

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43) Fill in the blank. Theorem 14-K: If the diagonals of a parallelogram are congruent, then the parallelogram is a __________.

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For the next six problems, select the correct answer.

44) The consecutive angles are supplementary.

45) The diagonals bisect each other.

46) The diagonals are congruent.

47) All four angles are right angles.

48) All properties that apply to a parallelogram also apply to a rectangle.

49) All properties of a rectangle also apply to a parallelogram.

50) Write a proof for the given information and the conclusion. You may write the proof in paragraph form or you may write a formal proof using statements and reasons. If you write a formal proof, you may complete the proof in a word-processing document and attach it below.

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Extended Research: Check with your instructor to see if he/she is interested in awarding extra credit to you for writing a one-page report on the following research topic: Frank Lloyd Wright is very popular amongst architects and others who appreciate the beauty of unique buildings. Do an Internet research about this man and find out why he stands out as a unique architect. Write a one-page report about him and his creations. Pay special attention to the creations that are centered on rectangles and also his philosophy for his creations. Include pictures of his designs.

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