ZMath 150  - Unit 15: Decimals: Add, Subtract, Compare, Place Value

Write the value of the underlined digit:  782.351

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Write the decimal for this mixed fraction.

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Write the expanded notation for this number: 871.24

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Which of the following statements is not true?

5) Which of the following statements of comparison is true?

6) Which of the following statements is true?

7) Add 18.3 + 9.8. Explain why lining up the decimal points is necessary.

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Subtract 64.2 – 12.7. Explain why lining up the decimal points is necessary.

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For problems #9 through #14, solve and then check through estimation. Write each answer as a decimal, its equivalent fraction, and its word name.

9) 6.8 + 2.93

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10) 3.9 + 4

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11) 54 + 2.38

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6.88 – 2.33

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7.6 – 2.88

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6 – 2.94

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Use B to represent the number of boxes for the given word problem. Write an expression to represent the problem. Then solve it.

The school store is stocking up on pencils.  They buy them in boxes which contain 144 pencils.  How many boxes do they need to replace the 720 pencils they sold during the sale?

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Which expression best describes the principal’s limit for the given problem?

The principal told the students that they could not purchase more than 1000 pencils.


17) Here are the first 9 odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. What is their sum? What is the square of the odd number located in the middle of the 9 odd numbers?

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18) Find the sum of the first 13 odd numbers. Find the square of the odd number located in the middle of the 13 odd numbers.

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19) Write a statement about what you have observed in problems 17 & 18. Test your statement by using it to find the sum of the first 25 odd numbers.

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Find the sum.

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Find the difference.

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Find the difference.

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Find the product.

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24) Round 6.85 to the nearest tenth.

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25) Looking at some colored beads in a box, Becca found that the ratio of red beads to yellow beads was 20 : 12. Simplify the ratio.

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