zMath 180  - Unit 35: Patterns and Sequences
1) Consider the given sequence and describe how the successive terms change.

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2) Predict the next three terms of the sequence.

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3) Consider the given sequence and describe how the successive terms change.

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4) Predict the next three terms of the sequence.

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5) Consider the given sequence and describe how the successive terms change.

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6) Predict the next three terms of the sequence.

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7) What is the 10th term of the given arithmetic sequence? Use the formula to calculate the answer.

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8) What is the 15th term of the arithmetic sequence in the previous problem? Use the formula to calculate the answer.

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9) In the figure shown below, individual cubes are stacked in a corner. Notice there is one block in the top layer, then two additional blocks were added to make the second layer of three blocks, and the pattern continues on. How many cubes are in the bottom layer?

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10) Study the pattern in the figure below. How many squares are needed to construct the fifteenth figure in the sequence?

11) What type of sequence is represented in the previous problem?

12) Study the pattern in the figure below. How many blue tiles are needed to construct the sixth figure in the sequence?

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13) What type of sequence is represented in the previous problem?

14) How many blue tiles are needed to construct the 50th figure of the sequence in problem #12?

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15) Six books can be arranged how many ways on a shelf?

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16) Three books can be selected from ten books in how many ways? The books may be arranged in any order.

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17) Consider the given data set. (a) What is the mean rounded to the nearest tenth? (b) What is the median?

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18) In the data set in the previous problem, replace the 6 with a 16. (a) What is the new mean? (b) What is the new median? (c) How was the mean and median affected by replacing the six with a much larger value?

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19) Consider data Set A and Set B. What is the mean of each data set?

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20) For the data sets in the previous problem, (a) what are the medians of each data set and (b) what are the ranges of each data set?

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21) If a “line of best fit” were added to this scatter plot, what type of slope would it have?

22) On paper draw a sketch of a scatter plot that has no correlation. Describe the sketch in words.

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23) Simplify by applying the distributive property.

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24) Simplify by applying the distributive property.

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25) Graph the quadratic equation. What are the roots of the equation?

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26) Graph the quadratic equation. What are the roots of the equation?

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27) Devon must conduct a survey about safety in the deep coal mines. Describe in words how and where Devon should conduct a representative sample of deep coal miners.

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28) Describe in words how and where to conduct a survey to determine the favored candidate for governor.

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29) What type of sample did you describe in the previous problem: a random sample, a representative sample, or a convenience sample?

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30) Describe how a sample size can affect the conclusions of a survey.

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31) Describe the worst places to conduct a convenience sample about grocery prices.

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32) Describe the best places to conduct convenience samples about grocery prices.

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33) The distances covered by two runners during a race are shown in the graph below. How long after the start of the race did one runner pass the other runner?

34) William has scored a total of 255 points on the first three mathematics tests. If the tests are always worth 100 points, how many points must he earn on the next test in order to have an average of 87% in the class?

35) The yearly salaries of five top executives are $1,000,000, $350,000, $120,000, $80,000, and $80,000. Calculate the mean, median, and mode for these salaries and then place the values in order from highest to lowest. What is the order of the three measures of central tendency from highest to lowest based on the salaries of the five executives?

36) Graph the linear system to solve.

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37) Graph each equation in the system of equations. The system of equations has how many solutions?

38) Simplify.

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39) Simplify.

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40) The average weight of 40 prize-winning tomatoes is 2.95 pounds. What is the combined weight, in pounds, of these 40 tomatoes?

41) In the graph below, each dot shows the number of sit-ups and the corresponding age for each of 15 people. According to the graph, what is the median number of sit-ups for these fifteen people?

42) Which inequality represents the solution to the given inequality? State the letter of the correct answer.

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43) Which inequality represents the solution for the given inequality?

44) Solve the equation for “x”.

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