MATH Advanced Math  - Unit 7: Use of the Graphing Calculator with Functions
Answers to questions in this assignment should be rounded to three decimal places. Answers provided will be given as the highest and lowest accepted values found on the calculator.

For the first five problems refer to the given equation and graph.

1) Solve for “y” by completing the square. State the letter of the correct answer.

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2) Estimate the vertex of the parabola. State the letter of the correct answer.

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3) Estimate the root(s) of the parabola. State the letter of the correct answer.

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4) Estimate a restricted domain and range for the bottom half of the parabola to be a restricted function. State the letter of the correct answer.

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5) Sketch the graph of the restricted function as viewed on your calculator on your own. State the letter of the correct answer.

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For the next four problems, refer to the given equation.

6) Solve for “y”. State the letter of the solution.

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7) Estimate the maximum value for the top half of the ellipse and the minimum value of the bottom half. State the letter of the correct solution.

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8) Estimate a restricted domain and range for the top half of the ellipse to be a function. State the letter of the correct solution.

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9) Sketch the graph of the restricted function as viewed on your calculator. State the letter of the correct solution.

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