MATH Integrated Math III  - Unit 17: Curve Fitting and Quadratic Inequalities
For the first three problems, solve using a system of equations and matrix equations to find a quadratic function that fits each set of data. State the letter of the correct answer.

1) (4, 9), (6, 21), (–2, –3)

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2) (3, 0), (–1, –12), (2, 3)

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3) (1, 6), (2, 13), (–2, 21)

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For the next four problems, solve each inequality. State the letter of the correct answer.

4) Solve for “x”.

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5) Solve for “x”.

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6) Solve for “x”.

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7) Solve for “x”.

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For the next three problems, graph each inequality on graph paper. If the given graph is correct, state T (True); if it is not correct, explain why the graph is incorrect.

8) Is the given graph correct?

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9) Is the given graph correct?

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10) Is the given graph correct?.

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11) Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that contains the point (1, –1) and is parallel to y = 3x – 2.

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12) Solve: 2x + 4(3x + 6) = 12

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13) Solve the compound inequality: 5x – 2 < 3 or 2x – 6 < 4

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14) Find the inverse of the function f(x) = 3x + 2. State the answer in slope-intercept form.

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15) Find the compositions for the given functions.

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16) Perform the indicated operation. State the letter of the correct answer.

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17) Factor the quadratic expression.

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18) Use factoring and the zero-product property to find the zeros of:

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19) Solve by completing the square. State the letter of the correct answer.

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20) Use the quadratic formula to solve for “x”. State the letter of the correct answer.

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