SSCR World History  - 19 Multinational Organizations
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Multinational Organizations

Unit Overview

Even though the League of Nations was unable to prevent a second world war, it did set a precedent for international cooperation and multinational organizations.  When the Allied leaders made plans for the post-war world, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin agreed to back the formation of the United Nations.  The concept became a reality in 1945.  Headquartered in New York City, the U.N. provided its members with a forum to discuss global issues and to solve problems without resorting to violence.  Just how successful the U.N. has been at accomplishing its peace-related goals, however, is subject to mixed reviews.  Asian, Middle-eastern and African countries often view the organization as a vehicle to further Western values and interests.  Let’s see how it all happened. 


Complete the activity below.


Section A Questions

Use the information from Quizlet to answer the following questions:

1) U.N. Day is celebrated on which of the following dates:

2) Which of the following is true concerning votes cast by member countries during meetings of the U.N. General Assembly:

3) Which of the following countries is not a permanent member of the United Nation’s Security Council:

4) The World Court meets in which of the following cities:

5) The Trusteeship Council is the only agency of the United Nations that has accomplished its mission and worked itself out of a job

Section B Questions


Use the information from Plans for International Cooperation to answer the following questions:

6) Which of the following happened first:

7) Which of the following was true concerning the Atlantic Conference:

8) Which of the two leaders pictured here could accurately be described as an anti-imperialist?

9) How many main provisions were included in the Atlantic Charter?

Section C Questions


Use the information in How the U.N. is Organized to answer the following questions:

10) Due to the language barrier during meetings, the United Nations uses technology to translate simultaneously into six different languages.

11) The General Assembly of the United Nations meets in which of the following countries:

12) All decisions made by the General Assembly must be approved by 2/3 of the membership.

13) Which group of Security Council members have veto powers?

14) What is required for the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution?

15) Which of the following is not true concerning the secretary-general of the United Nations?

16) Which of the following is not coordinated by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations:

Section D Questions

Use the information from Stabilizing the Post-war Economy to answer the following questions:

17) The Allied leaders hoped to prevent which of the following by organizing the Bretton Woods Conference:

18) The Soviet Union refused to send delegates to the Bretton Woods Conference

19) The World Bank assisted countries that had been devastated by World War II by providing loans to war-torn countries.

20) The International Monetary Fund has expanded its role to provide economic surveillance. Choose two services that this covers.


Section E Questions

Individuals from countries representing 56% of the world's population responded when surveyed concerning the authority of the United Nations.  Use the information in the graphic pictured here to answer the following questions:


21) What step for strengthening the United Nations received the least support?

22) The ideas of a standing peacekeeping force and controlling the international arms trade received equal support among the participants.

23) What two examples does the survey give of items that could be taxed to fund the activities of the United Nations?



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United Nations video

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