SS World History  - Unit 02: A New Way To View The World
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A New Way to View the World

Unit Overview

In reaction to an event or an idea, you have probably heard someone say, “Life will never be the same.”  Most of the time, things go back to what we define as “normal” in a week.  However, there are those circumstances that do transform and reshape our perceptions of the world.  The Enlightenment is one of these.  The impact of the intellectual and cultural developments of this era continues to effect how we view the world and our place in it.  Much of what you will read in this unit will not seem new; this is because we are all children of the Enlightenment.

Complete the activity below:


Section A Questions

Use information from Quizlet to answer the following questions.

1) The French referred to the writers and thinkers of the Enlightenment as ___________.

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2) French writers and thinkers often gathered to discuss their work in which of the following settings:

3) Montsequieu advocated the idea of a "social contract" in which government powers are derived from the consent of the governed and in which the government serves the people.

4) Identify the three branches of government that were the basis Montsequieu's theory of government.


5) Which of the following was not a native of France:

Section B Questions

Use information from The Enlightenment to answer the following questions.

6) Which of the following words best represents the focus of the Enlightenment:

7) After the Scientific Revolution, people mostly relied on which of the following for knowledge:

8) Detailed observations during the Scientific Revolution supported the theory that the Earth was the center of the universe.

9) Choose three factors that made France the center of the Enlightenment.


Section C Questions

Use information from Rene Descartes, Denis Diderot, and John Locke to answer the questions below.


10) Descartes pictured the universe as a giant engine driven by which of the following:


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  • Description:  Write the correct answers to the question.

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12) Which of the following was true concerning Diderot's Encyclopedie:

13) John Locke believed people have a natural ability to govern themselves.

14) According to Locke, which of the following is not a right that government has an obligation to protect:

15) When a government did not protect the rights of its citizens, what did John Locke believe citizens were justified in doing?

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Section D Questions

Use information from Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau to answer the following questions

16) According to Montesquieu, which of the following was the best governed country in Europe:

17) To be a successful leader, Montesquieu believed that it was necessary to avoid which of the following:

18) According to Montesquieu, power should be balanced among the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.

19) Voltaire compared God’s role in the universe to which of the following:

20) Voltaire believed humankind's greatest challenges were overcoming prejudice, superstition and intolerance.

21) Choose three aspects of French society that Voltaire did not like.


22) According to Rousseau, which of the following was the most destructive to equality and freedom:

23) Rousseau believed liberty and justice could not exist in a country where all the power belonged to the people.

24) According to Rousseau, people did not have to obey laws established without their consent.

Section E Questions

Use information from Adam Smith and video below to answer the following questions.

25) The economic policy referred to as laissez-faire included all of the following except:

26) Adam Smith is known as the father of which of the following:

27) ____________ was the title of Adam Smith's famous work on economics.

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28) Choose one of the following activities below and complete a time log.

Activity 1: Enlightenment Influence Mind Map

In the center of your paper, write "Enlightenment".
Draw branches from the center to create a mind map, showing how Enlightenment ideas have influenced various aspects of modern life. Include at least the following branches: Government, Education, Science, Society, and Human Rights.
Under each branch, list specific examples or ideas that stem from the Enlightenment thinkers' contributions.

Activity 2: Compare and Contrast Enlightenment Thinkers

Choose two philosophers from the list provided: Rene Descartes, Denis Diderot, John Locke, Montesquieu, or Voltaire.
Create a Venn diagram on your paper.
In the overlapping section, write the similarities between their ideas or contributions.

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