MATHM Algebra II - Unit 16: Integers

Day 1 Lesson


Click the green Play Video button below to start the lesson, then answer the questions.

1) Which list has only integers?

2) Which integer is the opposite of -24?

3) Which number has an absolute value of 12?

4) The temperature in a city is -2 degrees. What is the absolute value of this temperature?

5) Which integer is found three units to the left of 8 on a number line?

6) Mia's mother gave her $5 dollars to buy lunch at school. Mia bought a sandwich. After she paid for it, she had $2 dollars left. Which integer represents the change in the amount of Mia's money?

7) You move four units to the right of the integer -3 on a number line. On which integer do you land?

Day 2 Lesson

Adding and Subtracting Integers

Watch the BrainPop video below, then answer the questions.

8) What is -8 + -13?

9) How are integers different from whole numbers?

10) Adding -6 is the same as:

11) 100 - (-40) = ?

12) 5 - (-2) + 10 = ?

Day 3 Lesson

Integers Review

Integers is the set of numbers containing whole numbers and their opposites.


Integers can either be:


  •  Positive Integer – located at the right side of the number line
  •  Negative integers – located at the left side of the number line and has a negative sign (-)
  •  Zero – located in between positive and negative integers

In a number line, positive integers are located at the right side of zero (0) while the negative integers are located at the left side of zero (0).



negative integer is an integer that is less than zero. In the number line, these integers are located at the left side of zero (0).


Negative integers are the opposite of positive integers. For example, -2 is the opposite of 2. Even though both integers have the same number, they have different signs.

Solve these problems using the number line.

13) (-3) + (-6)

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14) (-6) + 4 =

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15) (-7) + 10 =

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16) The wind chill is currently -5 degrees, and is scheduled to drop 8 more degrees tonight. What will the wind chill be then?

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17) Marco's football team gained 13 yards on their first play, but lost 7 yards on the second. How many yards did they gain between the two plays?

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Days 4 and 5

1.  Look over all your work and submit it to your teacher.

2.  Complete the Let's Practice activities located in the Unit Resources.

3.  Redo any questions that your teacher sent back to you and resubmit.

18) Click on the Unit Resources icon to complete an activity in this unit.

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Be sure to indicate the date, start time, and end time when completed.

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