Unit Overview

In the previous unit, you explored an overview of the history of the universe. In this unit, we will focus on the formation, evolution, and types of galaxies.


Introductory Activity – Guided Tour of Galaxies on Worldwide Telescope

Directions: Go to this website and click on “Guided Tours” at the top of the page. From there, open the “Galaxies” folder and watch the “Universal Beauty” video clip. In this clip, you will view spectacular images of galaxies and celestial phenomena in our universe. Feel free to explore other aspects of this website after you watch this clip.


Galaxy Formation

A galaxy is a collection of stars, dust and gas held together by gravitational forces. Today, there are billions of different galaxies in the universe.

Formation of a Galaxy


Types of Galaxies

Astronomers classify galaxies according to their size and shape. Common galaxy types include spiral, elliptical, and irregular galaxies. A spiral galaxy resembles a flattened disk with spiral arms. An elliptical galaxy has a very smooth and rounded shape. An irregular galaxy, as the name implies, does not have a definite structure. Find more details about these types of galaxies here:





Our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy, a barred spiral galaxy. It is found on one of the outer arms of the spiral, known as the Orion arm. In the following image, the sun’s position is indicated to give you an idea.




Now, explore this site to further your understanding of galaxy formation and types, as well as the role of the James Webb Space Telescope in studying galaxies.




Image result for james webb space telescope

Image of the James Webb Space Telescope:




Normal and Active Galaxies

Spiral, elliptical, and irregular galaxies are all types of normal galaxies. They are typically well developed, and don’t have areas of extremely high energy. An active galaxy is one in which the core, or nucleus, of the galaxy is very energetic and bright. The following link includes a research activity on normal and active galaxies.






Click on the Quizlet icon below to access the vocabulary flash cards. Review the vocabulary before completing your assessment.