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In the real world, some events happen by chance.  In mathematics, we study those possibilities through probability.  First, we’ll look at simple probability and how to represent probability problems mathematically.

Compound probability is the probability of independent events occurring more than once.  We’ll look at the possible outcomes of tossing two coins.   One useful tool for working with probability is to list all of the possible outcomes using a tree diagram.  Once we list all possible outcomes, we determine the probability of each outcome.

Knowing the odds of the outcome of an event may increase your chances of predicting probable outcomes more accurately.  We’ll look at the theoretical probability of outcomes, and then test the theoretical with actual trials to see how close the theoretical probability matches the actual outcomes.

Simple Probability

Theoretical Probability

Theoretical Probability Compared to Actual Results

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Click on the icon to find and practice topics for this unit.
Probability Worksheet 1
Probability Worksheet 2