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In the field of science and computers, large numbers with lots of zeros are cumbersome to compute.  Thus, a short notation, called scientific notation, is used to write these numbers. 

First we’ll look at the meaning of scientific notation and writing standard numbers for numbers expressed in scientific notation.  Then we’ll express large numbers in scientific notation. We’ll extend our knowledge of scientific notation by looking at more numbers expressed in scientific notation.

Write answers for scientific notation similar to this example:

       3.4 times 10 to the 4th power


We will practice problem solving and apply our knowledge of decimals and fractions.  Remember to use addition when finding sums, subtraction to find differences and compare amounts, multiplication when finding products, and division to find quotients.  Use division when sharing amounts equally and finding averages.

Standard Form for Numbers in Scientific Notation


Express Large Numbers in Scientific Notation

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Click on the icon to find and practice topics for this unit.
Scientific Notation Worksheet 1
Scientific Notation Worksheet 2