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To multiply fractions we multiply the numerators, multiply the denominators, and then simplify when needed.  We can also make the multiplication easier by canceling first.  First we’ll examine making models for multiplication of fractions.  Then we’ll practice multiplication of fractions and multiplication of mixed fractions with paper and pencil.


On another note we will examine analyzing patterns.  Patterns are everywhere in nature and in manmade creations.  Patterns make the world around us more interesting and colorful.  Let’s study a pattern, analyze the pattern, and then describe what we see.

Making a Model for Multiplication of Fractions

Multiplying Fractions

 Multiply Whole Numbers by Fractions

The Britannica login and password may be required for some of the activities.
Login:  vla            Password:  student

Multiplying Mixed Fractions

 Fractions and Whole Numbers

Analyzing Patterns

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Click on the icon to find and practice topics for this unit.
Unit 6 Multiplying Fractions Worksheet
Unit 6 Multiplying Fractions with Cross Canceling Worksheet
Unit 6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers Worksheet