Unit Overview
An important mathematical skill is discovering patterns. In this unit you will investigate different types of patterns represented in sequences. You will then use the Binomial Theorem to expand powers of binomials.

Arithmetic Sequences

A sequence is a list of numbers in a particular order. Each number in a sequence is called a term.  The first term is represented by a1, the second term is represented by a2, and so on.  an represents the nth term of the sequence.  One kind of sequence is an arithmetic sequence. In an arithmetic sequence each term after the first is found by adding a constant, called the common difference, d, to the previous term. 

In general, we could write an arithmetic sequence like this:

We can generalize the expression for an if we realize that the common difference in a sequence of n terms is added to the terms of the sequence n – 1 times. For instance, in the sequence 2, 7, 12, 17, there are 4 terms in the sequence therefore n = 4 and the common difference is d = 5. Starting with the first term and ending with the last, d = 5 is added to the terms a total of 3 times.

2 + 5 = 7
7 + 5 = 12
12 + 5 = 17

For a sequence with n terms, the common difference d is added to the terms in a sequence n – 1 times. From this we obtain the following result:

  Introduction: Fashion Sequence (01:33)

  Arithmetic Sequence -- Pyramids (02:13) 

Stop!  Go to Questions #1-5 about this section, then return to continue on to the next section.

Geometric Sequences

The following is an example of a Geometric Sequence.

2, 22, 23, 24, 25 = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32

Another way to look at this sequence is:

a1 = 2, a2 = a1 ⋅ 2, a3 = a2 ⋅ 2, a4 = a3 ⋅ 2, a5 = a4 ⋅ 2 ...

In each case the next term in the sequence is the product of the previous term and the constant 2. For a Geometric Sequence, the number that multiplies the present term to give the next result is called the common ratio. The effect of the common ratio is perhaps better seen in the next example.

In this example the common ratio is 3 and is denoted r = 3.

Geometric Sequence:  A Geometric Sequence is a sequence where each term after the first term, a1, is the product of the preceding term and the common ratio, r, where r ≠ 0 or 1. The terms of a geometric sequence can be represented by;

a1, a2 = a1r, a3 = a2 r, a4 = a3r, a5 = a4r ...

This formula for the general term is as follows:

For the next 4 problems, identify each sequence as arithmetic, geometric, or neither. If the sequence is arithmetic state the common difference. If the sequence is geometric, state the common ratio.

question1Identify each sequence.  3, –3, 3, –3, ….

Geometric, r = –1

"Click here" to check the answer.

question1Identify each sequence.  1, 4, 9, 16, …

Neither, the same number is neither added or multiplied each time to get the next term.

"Click here" to check the answer.

question1Identify each sequence.  25, 50, 75, 100, …

Arithmetic, d = 25

"Click here" to check the answer.

question1Identify each sequence.  2, 1, 0.5, 0.25

Geometric, r = ½ or 0.5

"Click here" to check the answer.

  Go to Questions #6-11 about this section, then return to continue on to the next section.

Arithmetic Series

A series is an expression that indicates the sum of terms of a sequence. For example, if a1, a2, a3, is a sequence, then a1 + a2+ a3 + ... is a series.

An arithmetic series is the indicated sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence.

Consider the sequence 6, 9, 12, 15, 18…The sum of the first five terms of this sequence is denoted S5.

S5 = 6 + 9 + 12 + 15 + 18
S5 = 60

To develop a formula for the sum of the first n terms of a series, consider the series below.

 Arithmetic Sequences and Series -- Amphitheater  (03:08) 

Go to Questions #12-17 about this section, then return to continue on to the next section.

Geometric Series

A geometric series is the indicated sum of the terms of a geometric sequence. Consider the sequence 3, 9, 27, 81, … The sum of the first five terms, denoted S5 is:

Geometric Sequences and Series -- Family Tree  (02:49)

  Go to Questions #18-22 about this section, then return to continue on to the next section.

Word Problems on Sequences and Series

Example#1:  A culture of bacteria doubles every 3 hours. If there are 200 bacteria present at the beginning, how many bacteria will there be after 24 hours?

Step #1:  Determine whether the situation represents an arithmetic sequence, geometric sequence, arithmetic series or geometric series.

Starting with 200 and doubling produces the following sequence.

                        200, 400, 800,…

The sequence 200, 400, 800, … is a geometric sequence.

Step #2
:   Identify the variables.

If the bacteria doubles every 3 hours, it will double 8 times in a 24 hour period. So, we are looking for the 8th term of the sequence.

a1 = 200,      r = 2,     n = 8

Step #3:  Substitute and evaluate.

Use the formula for a geometric sequence.

an= a1rn 1
a8 = 200(2)7
a8 = 25,600

There are 25,600 bacteria present after 24 hours.

Example#2:  Counting your two parents, four grandparents, eight great grandparents etc. how many direct ancestors would you have if you could trace your family back for 10 generations?

Step #1:  Determine whether the situation represents an arithmetic sequence, geometric sequence, arithmetic series or geometric series.

The sequence 2, 4, 8, … represents a geometric sequence. Since you want the total of your direct ancestors, use the formula for a geometric series.

Step #2:   Identify the variables.

a = 2,     r = 2,     n = 10

Step #3
:  Substitute and evaluate.

Use the formula for a geometric series.

Going back 10 generations, a person would have 2,046 direct ancestors.

Example#3:  Justin sells cars at a local dealership and earns $150.00 commission on the first car he sells each month. For each additional car Justin sells during the month, he receives $10.00 more on his commission. How much commission will Justin earn if he sells 16 cars?

Step #1:  Determine whether the situation represents an arithmetic sequence, geometric sequence, arithmetic series or geometric series.

Step #2:   Identify the variables.

Commission on 1st car - $150
Commission on  2nd car - $160
Commission on 3rd car - $170
And so on.

The 150, 160, 170, … represents an arithmetic sequence.  The question asks for the total amount of money earned so use the formula for an arithmetic series.

Step #3
:  Substitute and evaluate.
The formula for an arithmetic series is.   In this example, a16 is unknown.
First use the formula for an arithmetic sequence to determine the value of a16

The commission earned on the 16th car sold is $300.

Now substitute in the formula for an arithmetic series to determine Justin’s commission for the month.  Justin earns $3,600 for the month

Justin earns $3,600 for the month.

  Go to Questions #23-26 about this section, then return to continue on to the next section.

Binomial Theorem

Recall from algebra that a binomial is an expression of the form:

In previous units, you have learned how to expand binomials where n = 2 or n = 3.

However, expanding a binomial for large values of n would be quite time consuming. Fortunately, there is a theorem and a device that gives a pattern for expanding binomials for any value of n.  The theorem is called the Binomial Theorem and the device applied to this theorem is called Pascal’s triangle.

Binomial Theorem:  If n is a positive integer, then

Notice in this expression that the exponent on x decreases by one for each new term while the exponent on b increases by one for each new term.

Connected to the Binomial Theorem is the famous “Pascal’s Triangle”, which is given below and can be used to find the coefficients of a binomial expansion.

Notice how the numbers in the row above determines the numbers in each row of the triangle. For example the number "2" in row #3 is the sum of 1 + 1 in row #2. The number "4" in row #5 is the sum of 1 + 3 or 3 + 1 in row #4 and so on. These numbers give the coefficients of an expanded binomial as the following examples show.

Example #1:  Use Pascal’s Triangle to expand the following binomial.

Step #1:  From Pascal’s Triangle, n = 4 , the exponent, corresponds to the numbers
found in row five. These numbers are; 1 4 6 4 1.

Step #2
:  Apply these numbers as the coefficients of the terms of the expanded polynomial. Also note that according to the binomial theorem that the exponent on
x will decrease and the exponent on y will increase.

Example #2:  Use Pascal’s Triangle to expand the following binomial.

Step #1:  From Pascal’s Triangle, n = 6, the exponent, corresponds to the numbers found in row seven.  These numbers are: 1 6 15 20 15 6 1

Step #2
:  Apply these numbers as the coefficients of the terms of the expanded polynomial and apply decreasing exponents on the entire first term,”5a” and  increasing exponents on the entire 2nd term, “2b” as follows.

We will not apply the exponents to each term as it is obvious that very large numbers will result quite fast. For example the third term in the answer if expanded will be 37500a4b2.


  Go to Questions #27-34 to complete this unit.

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Click on the icon to find and practice topics for this unit.
Arithmetic Sequences
Geometric Sequences
Arithmetic Series
Finite Geometric Series
Infinite Geometric Series
The Binomial Theorem