Unit Overview
Read and study the following unit. Answer the questions at the end of the unit based on the information that you have learned from the unit.
Stress is the “wear and tear” our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. With the death of a loved one, an illness in the family, a family move, or a new relationship, we experience stress as we readjust life. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hinder depending on how we react to it.
Positive stress adds anticipation and excitement to life, and we thrive under a certain amount of stress. Deadlines, competitions, confrontations, and even frustrations and sorrows add depth and enrichment to life. Our goal is not to eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it and how to use it to help us. Insufficient stress acts as a depressant and may leave us feeling bored or dejected; on the other hand, excessive stress may leave us feeling “tied up in knots.”
As a leader, you exercise leadership and work to serve your fellow students while juggling many tasks on the go. But sometimes things get so hectic, it seems as if the entire world is spinning like the bikes in the gym. You are allowed to admit that you are stressed. This lesson is to help you realize your potential as a leader by preparing your mind for mental stress.
As a leader you often act as a problem solver, as well as a set of ears for an irritated friend. But the immense pressure to perform can overwhelm anyone to the point where you feel like you can't reach your potential. Stress is defined as what separates you from the things you have to get done but don't have done. When you are under stress, it's usually over something you either feel powerless over or are uncertain about. To avoid getting mentally drained, keep everything in perspective.
As a leader, you must also take into consideration your physical and mental needs. Mental stress manifests itself directly as physical stress. When you are experiencing mental or emotional stress, you will find your muscles are tense, and you are more likely to suffer from headaches or stomach aches. These two components play an intertwined role in how you interact in your world, and ultimately how you perform as leaders in your community.
Although some stress for your body is good, it can be a big handicap if you haven't learned how to manage it. You'll be drained of your energy and not be efficient at work or at school. The key for high performance for any leader is regular maintenance for a healthy, “fit” mind.
To reach the best mental shape possible, you must be willing to tend to both your physical and mental conditions. Physical and mental health are improved when you are active. Many fitness experts agree that exercise is excellent for stress management, and studies have shown that people who are more physically fit tend to have fewer stress-related health problems. When it comes down to it, the body is like a machine – it needs regular tuning. Likewise, the mind is like a muscle – it needs a regular workout.
This concept of “mental fitness” isn't new. In fact, those who practice the ancient art of Tai Chi, as well as those who practice yoga, incorporate this idea by combining slow movements and holding postures with breathing and learning how to rest and refocus the mind. Proponents of mind-body exercises realize that there's an intrinsic link between the mind and body, which need to be in sync with each other. You must attempt to retrain your mind to react in a calm state, rather than a stressed one. Mastering mental skills like focusing your thoughts, building confidence, and developing an inner calm are equally important.
Some believe the essence of a person is core spirit – personality, motivation, and desires. Unfortunately, the spirit is a dimension of the self that often is overlooked. Leaders must work to find a balance among all three components: physical, mental, and spiritual. Only when these three parts work in harmony can we grow closer to achieving optimal performance.
How can you heighten your performance? You must develop as a whole person in all areas of life: family relationships, socially, academically, athletically, and spiritually. This holistic concept ties closely to training strategies for elite athletes, but can easily be applied to anyone who wants to master the mind – to train the mind for high performance.
Through this self-improvement process of becoming a better person, you can better serve others. True growth engages the mind, body, and spirit in a journey of self-improvement. It's not a formula that will work over might, but with effort and a desire to change, you can tap into your full potential.
If you feel overwhelmed, try tackling a specific problem or issue. Break the dilemma into smaller parts. What's most challenging about the situation? Problem-solving a situation can be quite a logical equation, but when tasks begin to feel more like a burden that a joy, it should be a warning sign. When you begin to feel overwhelmed, it's easy to lose sight of personal goals. You must realize you're the only one who stands in the way of achieving your ambitions.
The key is to invoke a positive outlook on life and toward yourself. Make a habit of starting each day with some sort of relaxing activity…even telling yourself positive things. Here are a few tips:
Take Care of Yourself – Physically, Mentally and Spiritually
Take a look at your habits. How healthy is your diet? How much coffee do you consume each day? How often do you exercise? Nutrition plays a large role in managing stress.
Make Time Each Day for Yourself
You must make time to unwind from a hectic schedule. Find a healthy way to cope with stress. For example, take up a yoga class, go for an early morning job, chat with a friend, or take time each day to mediate.
Laugh a Little!
Whatever you do, don't take yourself too seriously. Don't be afraid to try new things. And don't be afraid to make mistakes – that's how we learn.
Don't Let Your Ego Get in the Way
You're a regular student who has decided to be a leader. Do your job for the right reasons.
Get Out the Planner and Pen
Prioritize your workload. Try making a short-term list, a medium-term list, and finally, a long-term list. Being organized helps reduce stress levels and promotes productivity.
Holler for Help
Don't ever be afraid to ask for help if you need it. If you still find it difficult to manage your stress levels on your own, try talking to professional therapist or counselor who can suggest other strategies. |
Signs of Stress
If you have any of the symptoms below, your performance probably suffers as well.
Signs of Stress PDF
Know How to Handle Stress
Stress is a fact of life. Not all stress is bad; there are times when stress can make you more alert, productive, and creative. But too much stress can leave you feeling confused, exhausted, frustrated, helpless, anxious, overwhelmed, restless, trapped, sick, and depressed…and it can seriously cramp your personal power. You can't cure stress by worrying or wishing it away. But you can reduce the stress in your life.
Ways to Lesson Stress
Think Back
Think back to other times when you've successfully coped with a difficult situation, person, or event. What did you say? What did you do? Recycle winning strategies.
Find a Sounding Board
Someone who will listen and, if you want, offer honest, respectful, and trustworthy advice.
If You Don't Know How to Relax, Learn How
Try deep breathing exercises or mediation; do something you enjoy that makes you feel peaceful and calm. Examples: go for a walk; wander through a bookstore; sit on a bench in the park; call a friend on the phone. Spend part of each day slowing down.
Develop and Maintain Your Sense of Humor
Laughter is a proven stress reducer.
Stock Up on Stress Reduction Techniques
If one doesn't work for a particular situation, you can always try another.
Don't Give Up
Handling stress is a learned skill and an ongoing endeavor. Few of us are taught it in school; either we learn it on our own, or we find people who help us at various points in our lives.
Always Remember That You Don't Have to go It Alone
Even in your darkest, most stressful hour, there's someone or somewhere you can turn to for help. Suggestions: a supportive adult; a teen clinic; a crisis intervention center; a hotline; the public library; a stress management class; a close friend; a counselor.

How to Reduce Stress with the SPARKLE Formula
S – Sleep Well
Your bed is for sleeping, reading and intimacy.
When your head hits the pillow, it’s time to sleep, not think.
Your bed should NOT be for: watching television, balancing your checkbook, planning the next day, arguing with your spouse, checking your e-mail, or making phone calls.
When in bed, books are OK, laptops are not.
P – Plan Every Day
Create a to-do list every morning. This gives you 1) a roadmap of what you need to do at the beginning of the day, 2) a reminder of what still needs to be done throughout the day and 3) a place to check off your accomplishments at the end of the day.
A – Anticipate Less
Recognize the false assumptions you make that lead to anxiety. Will things really turn out to be as bad as you think? Probably not.
When you look to the future, visualize success rather than failure. After all, you really don’t know which it will be. So why not expect the best?
R – Relax
Breathe deeply when you feel stressed. Get up and change your environment, if only for a short time. Go for a walk at lunch. Relaxation means taking a break from what you were doing, not just “vegging out.” For instance, watching television isn’t always relaxing; it can be dumbing and dulling. Find activities that calm your body and stimulate your mind. Create a time for your own kind of meditation. Find a quiet space and a quiet time that’s just for you.
K – Keep Anger Under Control
Be empathetic and forgiving to others when they make mistakes. Like you, they’re trying to do their best. Learn to give constructive feedback rather than destructive criticism.
When someone makes you angry, remember you have a choice in how you react. Instead of yelling at that bad driver who cut you off, do a running play-by-play on his erratic driving techniques. It’s more fun.
L – Laugh
Use positive affirmations to keep yourself on track. Affirmations should use the 4 P’s; personal, positive, passionate and present. For instance, “I am a confident and successful manager who always runs an amazing team.” Find time to share a joke. Laugh at the curves life throws at you rather than fretting over them.
E – Eat Well and Exercise
Your body needs to be a well-tuned machine to manage all of the stresses that act on it.
Avoid eating packaged snacks – anything that comes in a wrapper or plastic bag. Try natural fruit instead. Add more colored vegetables to your meals. Reduce caffeine in your diet. It’s a stimulant and can exacerbate physical symptoms of stress that you may already have. Choose water instead. Avoid the escalator or elevator and take the stairs. Find opportunities to go for a walk. Ideally, get exercise that causes you to sweat for twenty minutes at least three times per week.
FACT - Tests stress teens the most!

Sometimes stress is caused when you are not assertive when dealing with others. You let the comment or actions of others bother you for the rest of the day and night. To reduce stress, become assertive. Practice your assertiveness skills and don't hesitate to use them with people who violate your rights. The ASSERT Formula is a simple one that can help you frame assertive responses on the spot.
A – Attention
Before you can address a problem you're having with other persons, you have to get their attention. Example: “Sean, I need to talk to you about something. Is now a good time?”
S - Soon, Simple, and Short
Speak up as soon as you realize that your rights have been violated. Look the person in the eye and keep your comments brief and to the point. Example: “It's about something you said at softball practice today.”
S - Specific Behavior
What has the person done to violate your rights? Focus on the behavior, not the person. Be as specific as you can. Example: “I didn't like it when you told the catcher to watch his head when it was my turn to bat.”
E - Effect on Me
Share the feelings you experienced as a result of the person's behavior. Example: “I got embarrassed because I've been working hard on my swing lately. I think I'm making progress.”
R - Response
Wait for a response from the other person. Example:“Sorry, dude.”
T - Terms
Suggest a solution to the problem. Example: “You can give me a hard time in private, but not in front of the team, okay?” Your friend might agree (“Sure, fine”) or not (“What's the big deal? Can't you take a joke?”). But at least you spoke your piece calmly, reasonably, and respectfully. That in itself feels better than keeping quiet.
Note: It's important to understand the difference between being assertive and being aggressive. Assertiveness is positive and affirming; aggressiveness is negative and demanding. Assertiveness bargains; aggressiveness bullies. Assertiveness invites other persons to have a dialogue with you; aggressiveness puts them on the defensive.
Improving Your Attitude
Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstance, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance or skill. It can make or break a community, a school, a home. The remarkable thing is, we have a new opportunity every day to choose the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can change is our attitude.
Attitude is fundamental to long term stress management. When your attitude is negative or hostile, you will create problems out of opportunities and cause stress by alienating and irritating other people. When you have a positive attitude, you can maintain a sense of perspective and draw the positive elements out of each situation. You will find that people will be more helpful and cooperative as they find you a pleasure to work with.
Keeping Things in Perspective
When you are under stress, it is very easy to lose perspective. Problems that are relatively minor can take on an apparent size that makes them seem difficult and intimidating. Naturally this feeds your feeling of stress, which makes your problems feel worse, which feeds your feeling of stress. If you take a positive approach to life, trying to find a good side to every situation, then you will find that you are much less prone to stress. You will worry less, sleep better and enjoy life more. You will probably also find that you do better as people enjoy working with you more. An important part of this is learning to view mistakes as learning experiences – if you have learned something from a mistake, then the mistake has a positive value.
Relationships with Other People
Relations with other people can be either very satisfying or very stressful and unpleasant. While a certain amount of this comes down to personalities, your attitude has a surprisingly large effect on the way that other people respond to you. The following are important factors in forming harmonious relationships with other people:
Take a Positive Approach
People enjoy working with and relating to happy, optimistic people. When things are getting difficult, a mile or positive approach to a problem can make the difference between success and failure of a project.
Project a Positive Image
Take care of personal grooming. Wear good quality, clean clothes that project a professional image. Smile and be truly interested in others.
Be Positive
When you deal with other people, you should not complain or nag. Do not aggressively insist on getting your own way, which irritates other people and tramples on their rights.
Pay Compliments Where They are Due
If you notice something good about someone, or they have done something well, compliment them. This costs you nothing, and helps to build their confidence. It is obviously important to be sincere – no one likes an obvious flatterer. |
Remember, when you are dealing with most people, the more you give, the more you get. If you experience a lot of stress from other people, then your attitude may be at fault. You can eliminate a great deal of stress by being positive, by keeping things in their proper perspective, by setting personal goals and by welcoming change in your life.
Wellness is first and foremost a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life. It begins with a conscious decision to shape a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is a mindset, a predisposition to adopt a series of key principles in varied life areas that lead to high levels of well-being and life satisfaction.
A consequence of this focus is that a wellness mindset will protect you against temptations to blame someone else, make excuses, shirk responsibility, whine or wilt in the face of adversity.
Wellness is an alternative to dependency on doctors and drugs, to complacency, to mediocrity and to self-pity, boredom and slothfulness.
Wellness is a philosophy that embraces many principles for good health. The areas most closely affected by your wellness commitments include self-responsibility, exercise and fitness, nutrition, stress management, critical thinking, meaning and purpose or spirituality, emotional intelligence, humor and play and effective relationships.
To improve your wellness, try the following:
- Always eat a healthy breakfast. Your body needs food after its nighttime rest. A balanced breakfast that includes whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk, fruit, and juice will give you the foundation you need.
- Eat several small meals throughout the day to keep your energy level steady. If your schedule doesn't permit this, be sure to combine protein, complex carbohydrates, and small amounts of fat at each meal.
- Learn to distinguish between good stress (eustress) – which makes you alert, responsive and active – and bad stress (distress) – which makes you feel anxious, scattered, and tired. Pay attention to your body's signals that you are distressed. Don't put off stressful tasks until the end of day.
- Network with supportive friends and family members. Seek out people you enjoy, who build you up and give you realistic feedback.
- Take up a hobby completely. Pick something that you can get into totally mentally.
- Schedule time for leisure activities that you enjoy. Having fun will make you more productive and more relaxed.
- Take time to just breathe every now and then. Slow, deep breathing will help regulate your heart and respiration rates, plus it will clear your mind.
- Maintain a regular sleep schedule that makes you feel refreshed in the morning.
- Laugh frequently. Take time to find joy in everyday life.
- Develop a personal philosophy. People who control stress know what is important to them and how to maintain balance in their lives.
- Avoid thirst. By the time you feel thirsty, your body has already done all it can to hydrate you. Remember to drink eight glasses of water a day.
- Exercise. Remember, exercise does not have to be exhaustive to be beneficial. Walking briskly for twenty minutes a day improves circulation, muscle tone, overall fitness, and can help you to lose weight.
- Relax and enjoy life.

Wellness entails a conscious commitment to positive initiatives and principles for optimal functioning in all these areas.