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In our system of numbers, we use several types of numbers such as whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percent.  These different types of numbers relate to each other.  We’ll look at expressing fractions for decimals and then expressing decimals for fractions.

Percents are very important in the world of commerce and business.  We will learn more about percents and what they mean.  We will connect fractions and decimals with percents.

Decimals to Fractions

Decimals may be written as fractions, and then simplified when possible.


4.53 is read as 4 and 53 hundredths and can be written as 4 53/100.



(Notice, two decimal places gives two zeros in the denominator of the fraction.)

7.5 is read as 7 and 5 tenths and can be written as 7 5/10.


(Notice, one decimal place gives one zero in the denominator of the fraction.)


6.250 is read as 6 and 250 thousandths and can be written as 6 250/1000 or 6 1/4. 


(Notice, three decimal places gives three zeros in the denominator of the fraction.)

 Converting Decimals to Fractions
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Fractions to Decimals


To write a fraction as a decimal, you can divide to find the decimal.


Example 1:  Find the decimal for 3/4.


To find the decimal for 3/4, divide the denominator into the numerator and then add a decimal point and zeros until it comes out even. 

Some fractions do not make decimals that come out even and continue on forever when dividing.  For them, divide and round to the given place. 

Example 2:   Find the decimal for 2/3 and round to the nearest hundredth.

To find the decimal for 2/3, divide to get one extra decimal place for rounding (in this case, divide through thousandths), stop, and then round.

Sometimes, repeating decimals are expressed with a bar over the repeating pattern in the decimal. 

Two-thirds may be written as .

 From Fractions to Decimals
 Fractions and Decimals


Percents, Fractions, and Decimals


The grid below shows 100 small squares.  Twenty-five of the squares are shaded; thus, 25% are shaded.  Notice that the decimal for 25% is 0.25 and the simplified fraction for 25% is 1/4.

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Click on the icon to find and practice topics for this unit.
Unit 35 Convert Between Fractions and Decimal Numbers Worksheet
Unit 35 Converting Between Percents, Decimals, and Fractions Worksheet