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Unit Overview


This unit will consist of two projects. These projects will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance, as well as your ability to recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Project #1

This project will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. To complete this project, you will be completing an analytical portfolio:
In an activity of your choosing (games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor activities, track and field, aquatics or any other physical activity) demonstrate your understanding of how to apply strategies and biomechanical principles of performance in real-world settings. Portfolios may be a written paper, a PowerPoint presentation, or a video demonstrating and explaining the information required in the rubric.

Project #1 Rubric:







  • At least three strategies and/or tactics are explained in detail and supported with evidence of how they create success within the activity.
  • Discusses two or more examples of how tactics and strategies from the selected activity are similar or transfer to another activity.
  • Critical elements are correct and include an appropriate, specific description.
  • Identifies the correct biomechanical principles and described correctly the specific impact on performance for at least two principles.
  • Correctly identifies at least three specific and relevant strengths and weaknesses in personal performance.
  • Describes and applies biomechanical principles to develop a specific, realistic and effective improvement plan using critical elements, cues, practice drills and fitness activities.


  • Two strategies and/or tactics are explained in detail and supported with evidence of how they create success within the activity.
  • Discusses how one tactic and/or strategy from the selected activity is similar or transfers to another activity.
  • Critical elements and biomechanical principles are applied to describe the movement.
  • Personal performance is described with at least one strength and one area to improve.
  • Describes and applies biomechanical principles, critical elements, cues, practice drills and fitness activities to improve movement performance.


  • Fewer than two strategies and/or tactics are described in detail or evidence of how they are successful


  • Potential knowledge transfer is not explained or the explanation lacks examples of how performance of the selected activity can be enhanced by knowledge and understanding of other similar activities.
  • Appropriate critical elements and biomechanical elements of performance are not identified or described.


  • Personal performance is not described or the drills, cues or fitness activities presented would not facilitate performance improvement.


Now answer questions 1 - 4.



Project #2

This project will allow you to recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

For this project you will develop a marketing campaign for physical activity that links all the components of fitness, exercise and effects on brain function, health benefits and emotional health for your favorite activity. The marketing campaign also should specifically identify at least two reasons from the following categories: enjoyable aspects, social benefits, challenging aspects, opportunities for self-expression. The marketing campaign could include a letter, poster, video, commercial, PSA, skit or any other acceptable method to communicate the importance, benefits and factors that lead to the enjoyment of the activity.

Project #2 Rubric:







Analyzes the activity to identify at least one benefit from each of the following categories: physical, emotional, and intellectual health.

Articulates three or more reasons to participate in specific physical activities that would be enjoyable as lifetime pursuits with a clear message about the reasons, including enjoyable aspects, social aspects, challenging aspects and opportunities for self-expression.


Analyzes the activity to identify at least three specific health benefits (does not have to be in different categories).

Shares specific reasons to participate in selected physical activities, including the reasons to enjoy the activities, the social benefits, challenging aspects and opportunities for self-expression.


Identifies fewer than three specific health benefits of the activity.

Does not identify enjoyable aspects of the activity and/or social, challenging and/or opportunities for self-expression.


Now answer questions 5 - 14.



Good Luck on Your Final Projects!