Unit Overview

In this unit, students will be able to define, identify, and name an angle and its parts. Students will use a protractor and the angle addition postulate to find the measure of angles.

Key Vocabulary


An angle measures the amount of turn. As the angle increases, the name changes:

Measures less than 90 degrees but more than 0 degrees

Measures greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
The corner point of an angle is called the vertex

And the two straight sides are called rays

The angle is the distance between the two rays, the two sides of the angle.

Click on the link to watch the video "Angles: introduction".


Which angle measure is greater?

Move the mouse cursor over the figure to check the answer.

Which angle measure is greater?

Move the mouse cursor over the figure to check the answer.

Which angle measure is greater?

Move the mouse cursor over the figure to check the answer.

Click on the icon to the left to understand the importance of Names of Angles in Geometry.

How To Name An Angle

An angle is made up of two rays which meet at a common point called a VERTEX.

Move the mouse cursor over the question to check the answer.

A portion of a line which starts at a point and goes off in a particular direction to infinity is the SIDES of each angle.

Move the mouse cursor over the question to check the answer.

Click on the link to watch the video "Naming Angles

Let's Practice

Move the mouse cursor over the question to check the answer.

Move the mouse cursor over the question to check the answer.

Angle Basics Review
What is an angle?

An angle is two rays that share a vertex.

Intersecting lines or line segments also form angles.

Let's Practice

Which of the following figures is an angle?

Move the mouse cursor over the figure to check the answer.

Measuring Angles
Angles are measured in degrees.


The wider an angle is open, the greater its measure. If you compare these two angles, the first one is open wider.

So, the measure of this angle

is greater than the measure of this angle.

Let's Practice

Which angle measure is greater?

Move the mouse cursor over the figure to check the answer.

Measuring Angles with a Protractor

When constructing angles, you can use a protractor to help you construct an angle of a given amount of degrees. There are 360 degrees in a full rotation.

The protractor protractor measure 0° to 180°

Steps to measure an angle:

1.) Put the center of your protractor on the point of the angle.

2.) Lie a zero line of the protractor over one side of the angle.

3.) Follow the correct scale round the edge of the protractor from 0 to the other side of the angle.

4.) Read the size of the angle.

Click on the link to watch the video "Constructing angles


Let's Practice
Click on the protractor to draw angles.

Angle Bisector and Angle Addition Postulate

Click on the link to watch the video "Angle Addition Postulate - Additional Examples


Let's Practice

Find the missing angle measurement using the angle addition postulate.

Move the mouse cursor over the figure to check the answer.

Find the missing angle measurement using the angle addition postulate.

Move the mouse cursor over the figure to check the answer.

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Click on the BrainPOP icon to watch a video on Angles.
Click on the icon to the left to complete the BrainPOP Quiz.

Practice 1: Naming Angles


Practice 2: Reading Protractor


Practice 3: The Angle Addition Postulate