Eating, Sleeping, and Screen Time


Learning Objective

By the end of this unit, you will be equipped to identify the prevalence, root causes, and long-term health ramifications of key unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, lack of sleep, excessive screen time, and sedentary lifestyles. You will also understand the physical, mental, and academic benefits of embracing a holistic approach to wellness, including proper nutrition, adequate sleep, regular physical activity, and weight management. Armed with this knowledge, you will be guided to design tailored wellness plans, focusing on physical activity, sleep, rest, and nutrition to meet your current health goals effectively.



In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into habits that may offer short-term convenience but come with long-term health costs. This guide aims to deepen your understanding of these issues and offer actionable solutions.



Prevalence, Causes, and Long-Term Consequences of Unhealthy Living

Modern lifestyles are increasingly characterized by various unhealthy behaviors, each bringing its own risks.


Unhealthy Eating

Unhealthy eating habits are alarmingly common in the United States, driven in large part by the easy availability of fast food and convenience items. These choices contribute to a host of serious health problems. The statistics are sobering:

Click on the image below to watch the video.

“Unhealthy Eating.” Discovery Education, Espresso Education, 2008,


These poor dietary choices have led to significant health issues:


By neglecting a balanced diet, individuals not only increase their risks for obesity but also contribute to a range of other medical issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.


Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation, commonly defined as receiving less than the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per night, is a pervasive issue affecting various aspects of health and well-being. Contributing factors include work-related stress, academic pressures, and poor sleep hygiene practices.

Click on the image below to watch the video.

“Unhealthy Eating.” Discovery Education, Espresso Education, 2008,



Alarming Statistics:

Health Impacts:


Insufficient sleep impairs cognitive function, weakens the immune system, and negatively affects mental and physical health.


Extended Screen Time

The ubiquitous nature of digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers has led to a surge in screen time for individuals across age groups. While this offers convenience and connectivity, it also poses various health concerns.

“Male Student Looking at iPad.” Discovery Education, Discovery Education,


Health Impacts:


Unknown Long-Term Effects:

Extended screen time poses various health risks, ranging from eye strain and sleep disruption to more serious issues like obesity and mental health problems. Though much remains unknown about the long-term effects, current evidence indicates a need for moderation and mindfulness regarding screen usage.


Sedentary Lifestyle

The shift toward more desk-bound work and screen-oriented leisure activities has given rise to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, which comes with various health concerns.


Alarming Trends:


Health Risks:


Click on the image below to watch the video.

“Questions About Diabetes.” Discovery Education, Mazzarella Educational Media, 2017,


In summary, sedentary lifestyles are becoming more prevalent, starting alarmingly early in childhood and persisting into adulthood. This way of life poses significant health risks, including obesity, heart issues, and diabetes. The trends underline the importance of incorporating more physical activity into daily routines at all life stages.

Physical, Mental, and Academic Benefits of Wellness

Wellness is not a one-dimensional concept but impacts various aspects of our lives.


Importance of Proper Nutrition

The foundation of a healthy life starts with what you put on your plate. Nutrition is more than just fuel for your body; it's a complex system that provides the building blocks for your body to function optimally. This section delves into proper nutrition's critical role in supporting the immune system, fostering normal growth, and helping your cells and organs function effectively. Moreover, we will explore how a balanced diet intrinsically prevents chronic diseases and overall well-being.

legumes and human nutrition . image. Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 15 Jun. 2023.



Benefits of Physical Activity

Exercise is not just about burning calories or building muscles; it's a gateway to a healthier, happier life. In this section, we will go beyond the usual statistics and figures to understand the profound effects of physical activity on both your body and mind, from enhancing cognitive abilities to boosting your emotional well-being.

Click on the image below to watch the video.

“Questions About Diabetes.” Discovery Education, Mazzarella Educational Media, 2017,



The Power of Quality Sleep

Sleep is often sacrificed for productivity in today's fast-paced world, but the consequences are far-reaching. Sleep is not merely a 'rest period'; it is an essential function that affects various aspects of our health, from our cognitive and motor skills to our emotional state. This section explores why sleep is crucial for survival and how it impacts mental well-being and academic performance.

Click on the image below to read the passage.

“Exam Scores Benefit from Months of Regular Sleep.” Discovery Education, Science News Explores, 2021,



Maintaining Healthy Body Weight:

Your body is more than just a number on a scale; it's a complex system requiring a balanced weight management approach. Understanding your body composition can provide insight into your overall health, helping you make informed choices that affect your well-being. This section examines the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight and composition and its long-term health implications.



Designing a Wellness Plan


Taking control of your health doesn't have to be daunting; it starts with a plan. By understanding the various components contributing to overall wellness, you can tailor a personal wellness strategy that suits your lifestyle and needs. This section will provide a step-by-step guide for designing a balanced wellness plan, focusing on physical activity, sleep, and nutrition.

1.  Physical Activity: Add 150 minutes of moderate weekly exercise, including walking, swimming, or cycling.

2.  Sleep and Rest: Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night and consider short power naps or periods of relaxation to recharge during the day.

3.  Nutrition: Adopt a balanced diet, prioritizing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains over processed foods high in sugar and saturated fats.




The detrimental effects of unhealthy behaviors are increasingly well-documented, making it ever more essential to take proactive steps toward a healthier lifestyle. The benefits of doing so are manifold, offering physical, mental, and academic advantages. Implementing a well-designed wellness plan, customized to meet your unique health goals, can set you on a path toward sustained health and improved quality of life. Your well-being is largely in your hands; make the choices that empower you to live better.


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