Erin’s Law

Bodily Autonomy & Personal Body Safety


Your Body Belongs to You Read-Aloud

Objective: Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to respect their own bodies and boundaries, and to seek help if they ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


Key Concepts:

·      Consent and boundaries: Students will learn that they need to ask for permission before touching someone else's body, and they have the right to set boundaries for themselves and say "no" if someone tries to touch them inappropriately.

·      Trusted adults: Students will learn about the importance of having a trusted adult they can talk to if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

·      Inappropriate touch: Students will learn about inappropriate touch and that it's okay to tell a trusted adult if someone touches them in a way that makes them uncomfortable.

·      Safe and unsafe touch: Students will learn about the difference between touch that feels good and is wanted versus touch that feels bad and is unwanted.



Bodily autonomy: You have the right to make decisions about your own body.


Personal body safety: Knowing how to keep your body safe and healthy.


Private parts: Parts of your body that are covered by your underwear and should not be touched by others.


Consent: You need to ask someone if you can touch them or if they can touch you, and only do it if they say "yes".


Saying "no": You can tell someone "no" if you don't want to be touched or if you don't want to do something.


Boundaries: Limits that you set for yourself about what you feel comfortable with and what you don't want to do.


Respect: Treating others kindly and treating yourself kindly.


Trusted adult: Someone you trust and can talk to if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


Inappropriate touch: Someone touching you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


My body, my rules: You are in charge of your own body and can make decisions about what happens to it.