NewsDepth 2022-2023 | Episode 12


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In this week’s episode, the US had a frosty Christmas due to a massive winter storm.

Mars also got some snow – cube-shaped snow.

The House of Representatives has a new speaker.

Mary has some facts about the ferocious felines native to our state.


1.                    Bomb Cyclone (noun): A storm that quickly intensifies.


2.                    Infrastructure (noun): Physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society. Things like roads, bridges, and power stations.


3.                    Sublimate (verb): To become a gas from a solid.


4.                    Infection (noun): In medical terms, the invasion and growth of germs in the body.


5.                    Pneumonia (noun): A lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection.


6.                    Extirpation (verb): To be locally extinct


For our Spot on Science for this episode, we talk about what winter looks like on Mars. For our write-in question we want to know: What does winter look like on your favorite planet?

For this question, you have to consider the planet’s atmosphere, average temperature, and if it has water.

You can use the inbox form to submit your answers


Buffalo, New York was one of the cities hit the hardest by the winter storm last month. One man broke into a school to save a group of strangers stranded in their cars.

For this week’s poll, we want to know: Would you like to spend the night at a school?

You can choose between: “Yes! I’m packing my sleeping bag”! Or “No, thank you. I prefer my own bed.”

Click here to vote!