NewsDepth 2022-2023 | Episode 8



In this week's show, Ohio voted, and we have the results of the elections!

Nick gives us some insight on fair voting.

The Mississippi River has record low water levels.

And we could be in for one frosty winter.


1.                        Inmate (noun): Someone who is in prison


2.                        Women's Suffrage (noun): A social movement that fought for women's right to vote


3.                        Prime Minister (noun): The elected head of government in a country that has a constitutional monarchy.


In this episode, we talk about the history of voting. And we want to know what you think: "Should every adult living in the US be allowed to vote?"

You can use the inbox form to submit your answers.


In this episode, we learn about the laws that state who is allowed to vote.

For our poll this week, we want to know what you think: "Should every adult living in the US be allowed to vote?"

Head online to choose between: "Yes, every adult should be allowed to vote" or "No, it depends."

Click here to vote!