Unit Overview
In this unit we will
study how the environment can be affected positively and negatively by the
population which inhabits that environment. The United Nations estimates that
world population will near 11.2 billion by 2100. If present rates continue, world population
will stand at 10 billion by 2030 and 40 billion by 2110.
Unit Directions
Read the material, study
the charts and maps, and answer the test questions at the conclusion of the
Thomas Malthus
Worries about human
population growth are not new. Over 200 years ago (1798) Thomas Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of
Population. In this book
he pointed out that the human population tends to grow
geometrically, while the resources available to support it tend to grow
arithmetically. Under these conditions the population must inevitably outgrow
the supply of food that is available to fulfill its needs. He postulated that
population growth was already outpacing the production of food supplies in
18th-century England. He predicted that population growth would lead to
degradation of the land, and eventually massive famine, disease and war. Malthus
presented his theory in response to optimists of his day who thought that
mankind's ability to master the environment was limitless. Improvements in
agriculture and the industrial revolution postponed the disaster that Malthus
thought was imminent. But his ideas are even more applicable today.
Population Growth
Especially since 1960, several developments have dramatically reduced infant and child mortality throughout the world: the use of DDT to eliminate mosquito-borne malaria; childhood immunization programs against cholera, diphtheria and other often-fatal diseases; and antibiotics. During the same period, the "Green Revolution" greatly boosted food output through the cultivation of new disease-resistant rice and other food crops, and the use of fertilizers and more effective farming methods. These changes have contributed to a dramatic increase in human population growth rates.
The Earth's population reached 6 billion in September, 1999 (Updated total). It will increase this decade by another billion, the fastest population growth in history. It was only 2 billion in 1930, so today's older generation was the first in history to see a tripling of the Earth's population during their lifetimes! Every second, three people are added to the world; every day a quarter of a million (2 times the population of the city of Irvine) are added. Every year, about 87 million people (about the population of Mexico, or 3x the population of California, or the combined populations of the Philippines and South Korea) are added to the world. During the next 2.5 years, the equivalent of the U.S. population will be added to the planet. During the coming decade the increased population of one billion people is the equivalent of adding an extra China to the world's population. A recent joint statement by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the British Royal Society finds that population is growing at a rate that will lead to doubling by 2050.
For additional information on
Human Population Growth, click on the Human
Population Growth PDF File.
Obviously the earth
cannot continue indefinitely to sustain population growth at the current rate.
How many people can it support?
Ecologists have often
made use of the concept of carrying capacity in addressing the pressures that
populations put on their environments. Carrying capacity is simply the largest
number of any given species that a habitat can support indefinitely.
Productivity of the Earth
One way of analyzing
carrying capacity of the earth is to calculate its net primary productivity
(NPP). This is the total amount of solar energy converted into biochemical
energy through plant photosynthesis, minus the energy needed by those plants
for their own life processes. It represents the total food resource on earth.
It has been
calculated that, prior to human impact, NPP was about 150 billion tons of
organic matter per year. By deforestation and other forms of destruction of
vegetation, humans have destroyed about 12% of the terrestrial NPP, and now
directly use (for food and fiber) or co-opt (by converting productive land to
other uses) an additional 27%. Thus we have already appropriated about 40% of
the terrestrial food supply, leaving only 60% for the other terrestrial plants
and animals. You might conclude from this that we are at 40% of the carrying
capacity and that the theoretical maximum human population would therefore be 2.5x
the current level i.e., 2.5x5.9 = 15
billion, a number that will be reached within the next century if present trends continue. This is the number the earth
could support if all of the plant growth on earth were used to support the
human population and if we were not also limited by waste buildup and
non-renewable resources. It assumes that we forget about conserving biological
diversity for its own sake, forget about preserving any natural habitat, and
forget about saving natural ecosystems for the many benefits they provide (like
producing oxygen, preventing CO2 buildup, cleansing water supplies, etc.). If
we set aside enough of the earth's primary productivity for these other
essential purposes, then the predicted carrying capacity for humans is much less
than 15 billion; in fact, probably less than the current population.
Another way of
looking at global capacity is to examine the degree to which humans already
dominate the Earth's ecosystems. Estimates indicate that:
70% of the earth's
surface is covered by oceans, and the oceans provide a significant fraction of
total primary productivity. Most of the conversion of inorganic compounds (such
as carbon dioxide and water) into organic material is done by the
phytoplankton: microscopic drifting plants that exist everywhere in the oceans
and are the primary source of food for all of the higher levels of the food
chain. The phytoplankton gives the ocean its blue/green color, and so
measurements of that color can be used to estimate the amount of phytoplankton.
This is the rationale behind NASA's Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) carried
on a satellite that was launched in 1978 and worked until 1986. The first image
shows cumulative results from imaging over the entire period, and the next
image shows results from September 97 to August 98. Green indicates high
concentrations, and red indicates very high concentrations of phytoplankton,
revealing differences in the productivity of different regions. The North
Atlantic and North Pacific are large areas of high productivity, and there are
regions of very high productivity along the coasts and at areas of upwelling
where extra nutrients are brought to the surface.
Calculations have
been done of the amount of Primary Productivity that is required to support
fisheries. The results show that humans use about 8% of the primary production
of the oceans, but that the fraction is more than 25% for upwelling areas and
35% for temperate continental shelf areas.
Declining per capita Resources and
Another way to
analyze the global situation is to examine the resources on which we depend and
try to estimate how much we can increase their productivity:
Fisheries - The estimate of a20% increase in the fish catch limits was made
before the alarming decline in Atlantic Cod and other major fish. Nine of the
seventeen major fishing areas of the world are in serious decline, and all of
them have either reached or exceeded their limits. So the predicted increase of
20%, and per capita decline of 10%, is based on some imaginary improvement in
fisheries management, and is probably unrealistic.
land - accounts for 17% of cropland
but contributes more than a third of the global harvest. Predicted per capita change is -12%.
Cropland - Between 1980 and 1990, cropland area worldwide expanded by 2%. It is
unlikely that it could be expanded any more quickly, given that the areas
already taken are the ones that are easiest to cultivate, and given that land
is being rapidly lost to various kinds of development. The optimistic estimate
is that cropland could be increased by 5% over the 20yr period shown on the
table. This will mean the conversion of huge areas of South America and Africa
to agriculture, at a very high environmental price. Given the predicted 33%
increase in population, even this increase represents a decline of 21% in cropland
per person.
Rangeland and Pasture - Similar calculations show a decline of 22%
(and about 20% of this area is declining in productivity because of
Forests - Due to a combination of deforestation and population growth, the per
capita change in forests is -30%!
All of these statistics show that we are already stretching these resources to the limit, and that the 33% increase in population will be very difficult to accommodate
Regional Differences in Population Density and
Growth Rate
The present and predicted
increase in human population is very unevenly distributed over the globe.
Although rapid population growth leads to high rates of habitat loss, some of the greatest pollution problems (both local and global), and high levels of energy use, occur in areas with high population densities (Asia and Europe) rather than in countries with high growth rates (Africa and South America).
Ninety-six percent of the projected addition of 3.6 billion people during the period between now and 2030 will occur in the developing nations, where the overall growth rate is 2.1% per year. The fastest growing continent is Africa, which is predicted to double in 23 years; it contains the fastest growing nation, Kenya, with a doubling time of 20 years. The population of Latin America will double in 30 years, and Asia 36 years.
Many regions are already exceeding their carrying capacity; i.e., cannot produce enough food to support their populations. One region where this is very clear is an enormous swath of equatorial Africa called the Sahel, which is undergoing very rapid desertification. The burgeoning populations of this area are contributing to its desertification by clearing forest for agriculture as well as for firewood. In 1900, 40% of Ethiopia was covered by forest; now only 4% is forested.
Africa has the highest birth
rate, the highest rate of population increase and the lowest use of contraceptives
of any major region in the world. The average annual population increase in
sub-Saharan Africa is 3 percent, ranging from 2.5 percent to 3.8 percent. But
its food supply increases by only 1 %. In 12 countries of the region, women
have, on average, more than seven children. At current rates, the population of
sub-Saharan Africa will double by 2016. The biggest annual increases --more
than 3.5 percent --will occur in some of the region's poorest countries: Ivory
Coast, Togo, Comoros and Kenya, whose per capita gross national product ranges
between $340 and $690 (compared with $22,560 in the United States).
Another area with
very rapid population growth is Israeli-occupied Gaza --with a fertility rate
of 7.9 children per woman, the highest in the world, and annual population
increase of 4 percent, also the worlds highest. It is expected to double in
population by 2007. Other Middle Eastern countries where women have seven or
more children are Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
Rapid population
growth has social consequences that have been perfectly clear for at least 30
years. They are low living standards, low education standards, unemployment,
starvation, and civil war; these will continue to increase in the developing
nations. It also leads to environmental destruction, mainly in the form of
deforestation caused by slash-and-burn agriculture, which can only be
sustainable at very low population density. This means that the rate of
deforestation is going to increase.
Age Structures and the Demographic Transition
The populations of
European nations, of North America, and parts of Asia, have all gone through a
characteristic series of changes called the demographic transition:
I. Before the transition, both birth and death rates
are high, and the growth rate is zero or close to it.
II. In the transitional phase, the birth rate
remains high while the death rate declines due to better public health measures
(e.g. immunization) and expanded food production due to the improvement of
agricultural methods. Population growth is a result of the difference between death rate and birth rate (ignoring immigration and emigration for
now), so the decreased death rate leads to a high growth rate.
III. Birth rate begins to decline due to better
education, better family planning, more career options for women, and reduced
infant mortality which reduces the desire for large families. The growth rate
declines, eventually to zero. (graphics
from the Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland College Park)
This is a
description of what has happened
in presently industrialized
nations, and in the 1950's it
was accepted as a description of what would inevitably happen to all countries.
But in the developing countries (Mexico as an example), the death rate has
declined but the birth rate has stayed high. In these agrarian countries, large
family sizes are needed to supply the farm labor. The social and economic
changes that could lower the birth
rate have not happened.
In many developing countries, the populations will probably stabilize not because of a decrease in the birth rate, but a return to higher death rates, and this will reflect mainly an increase in the number of children dying from starvation-related causes. Over 40% of deaths in India are of children under four years old.
The U.S. is at an early stage in a demographic transition. The growth rate has slowed to 0.7% per year although we are still the fastest-growing industrialized nation. The death rate has been reduced substantially but this has not yet been compensated by a big enough decline in birth rate. About half of our population growth is from immigration, higher than in any other nation. Teenage pregnancy rates have been soaring, both on a nationwide level and in Orange County.
Different countries have different population structures, leading to two different types of problem: The population increase in the less-developed countries will be largely in the reproductive age classes. Even if average family sizes were brought down dramatically in the near future, the population will still increase substantially as the huge pre-adult population in the developing world reaches child-bearing age and reproduces. These are also the people that need jobs.
A different problem faces the developed countries: the increase is in the older age groups, especially those that are beyond employable age. The number of people over 100 years old in this country was 4,000 in 1970; 64,000 in 1990, and is projected to be 1.4 million in 2040.
Visit Population Pyramids and ask for dynamic population
pyramids for any country. . Compare Mexico, Sweden and the U.S.
Effects of Uneven Income
The widening gap in the distribution of income is a major
cause of environmental decline. In 1960, the richest 20% of the world's people
absorbed 70% of global income; by 1989 their
share had increased to 83%. Over the same period, the poorest 20% saw their
share of global income decrease from
2.3% to 1.4%. The ratio of the richest fifth's share to the poorest fifth's
share rose from 30 to 59 over this period. The rich really do get richer and
the poor get poorer.
The inequality of
income distribution is bad for the environment for two reasons: it encourages
excess consumption, waste and pollution at the rich end of the spectrum and it
perpetuates poverty at the poor end. Both categories of the population are more
likely than those in the middle to do serious ecological damage - the rich because of their high consumption of energy, raw materials,
and manufactured goods, and the poor because they are often forced to cut down
forest, grow crops and graze cattle in order to subsist on the land.
A similar picture
emerges at the national level. The rich countries have a large per capita
impact on the environment because of their high rate of consumption and waste.
The U.S., with only 4.7 percent of the world's population, consumes 25 percent
of the world's resources and generates 25 to 30 percent of the world's waste.
Compared to an average citizen in India, a typical person in the U.S. uses:
Each American
consumes as much grain as five Kenyans, and as much energy as 35 Indians, 150
Bangladeshis (a whole village!) or 500 Ethiopians.
Paul Ehrlich has
suggested that we should measure the environmental impact of populations not
simply as a function of the number of people but by using the equation I (environmental
impact) = P x A x T, where P is the size of the Population, A is Affluence (or
consumption), and T is a measure of how environmentally malign are the
Technologies and the economic, social, political and political arrangements
involved in servicing the consumption. Mainly because of the high level of 'T',
the population growth in the United States is more serious for the environment
than anywhere else in the world.
Many countries
(newly industrialized countries) have become much more industrialized since
World War II, and this has allowed them to greatly increase their standards of
living. But this has been at enormous ecological costs, mainly in other
countries. Japan, economically very successful and with a very high population
density (331/ has only 117 the world average of cropland per capita. So
it imports 3/4 of its grain and 2/3 of its wood. It is now the world's largest
net importer of forest products. The Netherlands, to meet its need for food and
fiber, relies on importing the products of about 10 times its own area of
cropland, pasture and forest. These countries, and many other industrialized
countries, have far exceeded their own internal carrying capacity and must rely
on other nations to provide food.
There is nothing
wrong in principle with one nation selling its agricultural and forestry
products, and other nations selling their manufactured goods. However, many
developing countries would like to emulate the industrialized nations and
increase their standard of living. But it is not possible for all countries to
exceed their carrying capacities and convert to manufacturing.
The United Nations
has for over forty years been coordinating efforts to bring global population
growth under control.
At the U.N. Conference
on Population in Cairo in 1994, 179 nations endorsed a new "Programme of
Action" that called on governments to provide universal access to
reproductive health care by 2015 as a global human rights imperative. Instead
of focusing just on controlling population growth (an approach which was not
very effective) this program tries to identify and deal with the many
interrelated social problems that contribute to population growth and poverty.
The conference recognized that meeting individual reproductive health needs
would enable couples to choose the number and spacing of their children, and
that this would lead to smaller families and stabilization of the human
The goal of the
Cairo agreement is to stabilize human population at 7.8 billion by 2050. There
are five basic components:
The United Nations Population Fund
The United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) is the main international source of population
assistance to developing countries. It is funded by voluntary contributions
from member countries. The Fund supports Programs to improve pre- and
post-natal mother's health, to provide access to voluntary family planning
programs and contraception, to support education on sexually transmitted
diseases and HIV, and to formulate population policies that support sustainable
development and poverty eradication. The fund helps to reduce unwanted
pregnancies, abortions, and deaths and injuries for millions of mothers around
the world.
U.S. funding for
UNFPA has been withheld for many years because of the agency's support of
China's policies (in 1983, the peak year for abortions in China, UNFPA
presented China's family planning minister with the U.N. Population Award). In
2002 President George W. Bush decided to withhold the $34 million that both
houses of Congress had agreed to give to the agency, arguing that UNFPA
gives tacit support to China's
one-child policy just by working in China. The U.S. is the only country ever to deny funding to UNFPA for
non-budgetary reasons. UNFPA estimates that the loss of U.S. support could
result in 2 million unwanted pregnancies, nearly 800,000 abortions, 4,700
maternal deaths and 77,000 infant and child deaths.
China's population
in 2002 was estimated at 1.28 billion people, which is five times higher than
that of the U.S. and over 20% of the world's total. Its land area is slightly
less than that of the U.S., but only 10% of it is arable compared to 19% in the
In China, a
"one-child-per-couple" policy has been in effect since 1979, with the
(unmet) goal of limiting the nation's population to 1.2 billion by the year
2000. The policy includes rewards for having only one child including monetary
grants, additional maternity leave, and increased land allocations for farmers.
The children of these couples are also given preferential treatment in education,
housing, and employment. The policy allows couples to have a second child only
under rare circumstances, and does not allow more than two children.
After her first
child is born, a woman is required to wear an intrauterine device, and removal of
this device is considered a crime. Otherwise, one of the parents must be
sterilized. Physicians receive a bonus whenever they perform sterilization.
Couples are punished for refusing to terminate unapproved pregnancies, for
giving birth when under the legal marriage age, and until recently they were
punished for having a second child. The penalties include fines, loss of land
grants, food, loans, farming supplies, benefits, jobs and discharge from the
Communist Party. In some provinces the fines can be up to 50% of a couple's
annual salary.
In many provinces
sterilization is required after the couple has had two children.
one-child-per-couple policy was strictly enforced during the early 1980's. The
coercive measures peaked in 1983, when 14.4 million abortions were performed
(for comparison, there were 19 million live births in that year). Because of
strong public resistance, the Chinese government moderated its stance in the
late 1980's and tried instead to emphasize public education and good public
relations with the people. Because the birth rate started to climb again, the
government tightened up its family planning guidelines in 1987 and 1989. In
2001, a new law was passed to reinforce and standardize the one-child policy
over the entire country. It includes incentives for compliance but no longer
requires fines to be imposed for couples who have a second child.
China's population
policy has brought the average number of children per woman down from 5.01 in
1970 to 1.84 in 1995. But the Chinese population is still growing. This is
because the children born during
the previous period of high fertility are having children -- albeit fewer per couple -- of their own. China did not achieve
its goal of stabilizing population at 1.2 billion
in the year 2000. Instead, it grew to 1.3 billion in 2000 and will inevitably
increase to about 1.5 billion by 2025.
In India, where
family-planning efforts have been less aggressive, the population is growing
much faster. With 947 million inhabitants today, India may overtake China as
the world's most populous nation, surpassing the 2 billion mark in 2025.
In 1999 the Worldwatch Institute reported that rising death rates are slowing world population growth for the first time since famine killed 30 million people in China in 1959-61. Partly because of these rising death rates, the U.N. revised its estimate for world population in 2025 from 9.4 to 8.9 billion. Three factors are pushing the death rates up, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian sub-continent:
For additional information on population growth, click on the Putting the Bite on Planet Earth PDF File.