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Unit Overview


In the first units of this course, you have studied a number of things related to the geography of the Eastern Hemisphere.  For example, you have used maps and globes to gather and report information about where and how people live in this part of the world.  You have seen how they adapt to and change their physical environments.  People also sometimes move to new places for many different reasons.  When this happens, they take their traditions, products, and ideas with them.  Let’s review some of what we have learned.



Reviewing Terms:  Part 1


Here are a few terms that you studied when you were working with globes and maps. 





You can review the meanings of these terms by clicking on the Quizlet icon.  You can practice with flash cards, a matching exercise, and a gravity game.








Using Maps


Because one map cannot show us everything, we sometimes need to use more than one type to find the information that we need.  Two different maps of Saudi Arabia are pictured here.  Use them to answer Questions 16 through 20.  Remember to use your computer’s zoon feature if you have difficulty reading the small print on the maps.







Reviewing Terms:  Part 2


Here are several terms that you recently used to explain the relationship between humans and their environment. 





You can also review these by clicking on the Quizlet icon.  Remember to practice with the flash cards and other activities. 







Another Look at Cultural Diffusion


The process of cultural diffusion brings new ideas and practices to areas where they were once unknown.  This article explains how the practice of trick-or-treat became part of American culture.  Use this information to complete Questions 31 through 33.







Additional Activities and Resources


Unit 8 Organizer


Geography Word Search