Unit Overview

In this unit, students will learn the Northwest Ordinance incorporated democratic ideals into the territories.  It provided a process for territories to become states and recognized them as equal to the other existing states. As students reflect on the way ideas and events from the past have shaped the world today, they understand the significance of the democratic ideals established by the Northwest Ordinance. The Northwest Ordinance guaranteed rights to the people such as freedom of religion and the right to a trial by jury. Education would be encouraged and the Indians would be treated in good faith. It also banned slavery in the Northwest Territory. In addition, the Northwest Ordinance established a three–step plan for admitting states from the Northwest Territory (like Ohio) to the United States. The steps included:

  1. Congress would appoint a group of leaders to govern people in the territory.
  2. With a minimum population, the people of a part of the territory could elect political leaders to govern them.
  3. When the population of the district was large enough, it could be admitted as a state.


The Northwest Ordinance
The purpose of the Northwest Ordinance (1787) was to establish government for the Northwest Territory and define its boundaries. Today this area is called the Mid-west. The Northwest Ordinance also made sure the Western U.S. did not become colonies of Eastern U.S. It established self-rule for the Northwest Territory and created a process to be admitted as states. 

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1. The Northwest Territory.

Stages toward Statehood
The Northwest Ordinance established a three–stage plan for admitting states from the Northwest Territory (like Ohio) to the United States.

First stage: Congress would appoint a group of leaders to govern people in the territory once they determined there was enough population in the territory that a government was needed. Congress appointed a governor, a secretary, and three judges. The governor was only answerable to Congress, not to the people.

Second stage:  With a minimum population, the people of a part of the territory could elect political leaders to govern them. The minimum population was at least 5,000 free white males. The territory still had governor, but also got a legislature called a “general assembly”. The governor had absolute veto power. 

Third stage:  When the population of the district was large enough, it could be admitted as a state. This was triggered when the territory had 60,000 free people (men, women, and children). Congress then passed a bill to determine the borders of the new state. Delegates must draft a state constitution and population would get to vote to approve it or not.

The Northwest Ordinance was important because it established a way to admit new states to the Union in an orderly fashion. It also incorporated democratic ideals into the territories. A democratic ideal is a quality or standard of government behavior that are felt to be essential for the continuation of a democratic policy.

It was considered to be one of the most liberal and progressive documents of the time. 

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2. Dates that states were formed from the Northwest Territory

Territorial Development of Ohio

The first settlements in Ohio were around forts near the Ohio River due to Indian raids. The interior of state was Indian territory until the Treaty of Greenville in 1795 as covered in the previous unit. Once the Indians had retreated from most of Ohio, the land became open for settlement.

People began migrating to Ohio from the original thirteen states. Most people came to Ohio by way of water routes such as Lake Erie, the Ohio River, and other rivers. They settled first in the river valleys which were settled very quickly.
From 1788 to 1799 Ohio was in first stage of territorial development. Ohio had 5,000 people by 1798.

Early social legislation showed its Protestant background. There were laws against public cursing, gambling, public drinking, etc. 

A plan for a road network was established but it took 100 years to finish.

Marietta became the first incorporated city in Ohio in 1788. 

In 1800 Congress decided to split the Northwest Territory due to the rising population. Congress passed a law that required three to five states to be created out of the Northwest Territory.

In 1803, Ohio was the first state to be made from the Northwest Territory. The territory to the west of Ohio was renamed Indiana Territory.

Chillicothe was made Ohio’s first capitol.

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3. Notice how the Northwest Territory was divided into several smaller territories after Ohio became a state.


After completing this unit, review the following checklist to make sure you can do all of the following:
_I can explain how Ohio progressed from territory to statehood, including the terms of the Northwest Ordinance.
_I can explain how the Northwest Ordinance influenced the incorporation of democratic ideals in the states formed from the Northwest Territory.
_I can define democratic ideal.
_I can identify the democratic ideals in the Northwest Ordinance.
_I can outline the steps for a territory to become a state under the Northwest Ordinance.