We use division of decimals in many areas of our lives. Any time we divide and the answer does not come out even, we could end up with a decimal answer. For example, decimal division may occur when we find averages. First we’ll look at modeling decimal division to understand its meaning. We will use decimal squares to make the model.
We will practice dividing decimals by whole numbers using paper and pencil. To divide a decimal by a whole number, place the decimal point in the quotient right above the decimal in the dividend.
Then we’ll practice dividing by tenths using paper and pencil. To divide a decimal by a decimal number, make the divisor a whole number by multiplying it by the power of ten needed to move the decimal to the right of all of the digits in the divisor, then multiply the dividend by the same power of ten. When dividing by tenths, we must move the decimal one place to the right.
Next we’ll practice dividing by hundredths. To divide a decimal by a decimal number, make the divisor a whole number by multiplying it by the power of ten needed to move the decimal to the right of all of the digits in the divisor, then multiply the dividend by the same power of ten. When dividing by hundredths we must move the decimal point two places to the right.
We will also practice dividing whole numbers by decimals. In this case, we must put a decimal point after the whole number, add zeros as needed, and then move the decimal point.
In division sometimes the answer does not come out even. That’s when we divide until the quotient has one extra decimal place, then round to the given place. Finally we will practice dividing decimals and rounding quotients.
For a review on standard division click on video below.
Dividing Whole Numbers by Decimals
Dividing Decimals and Rounding Quotients
Unit 11 Dividing Decimals Worksheet |
Unit 11 Dividing Decimals Worksheet |
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