Finding Money to Save


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Unit Overview

In this unit, “Finding Money to Save” provides you with the tools and best practices to save money, set savings goals, and grow their savings through interest. The unit begins with an exploration of why people save money in which you are encouraged to reframe the way you think about saving—urging you to consider it as spending in the future.  You then will learn how setting savings goals can help encourage you to save. Next, you will learn about strategies to save more money and compare technology-enabled services that encourage people to save.  

Section A – Deciding to Save Money

Why do people choose to save money?

In this section, you will create a timeline that represents your future and consider how you will earn and spend money 5, 25, and 50 years from now.

People usually save for one of three reasons:

Ψ to reach a savings goal,

Ψ to be prepared for emergencies, or

Ψ for financial security in retirement.

Examples of savings goals that people might have:

Ψ Travel,

Ψ higher education,

Ψ vehicles,

Ψ homes, and

Ψ other large purchases

Young people might set money aside for unexpected car repairs, or to repair or replace electronic devices. Saving early and often allows students to take advantage of the power of compound interest. Compounding is when the interest you earn from your savings and investments is reinvested—providing an opportunity to earn even more.

Let’s Practice

Click here to complete an activity on Future Spending.

Section B – Choose to Save

In this section, you will focus on the reasons people decide to save money and encourages you to develop a savings plan.  By saving money today, you can have financial security in the future.

What is Saving?

Ψ accumulation of excess funds by intentionally spending less than you earn

What is Savings?

Ψ a portion of income not spent on consumption (purchase of goods and services)

Why save?

Ψ Emergency savings ΰCash set aside to cover the cost of unexpected events

Ψ Short-term goals & expenses ΰ Pay for items that aren’t part of a typical spending plan

Ψ Financial security ΰ Lower stress

How Much Money Should Be Saved?

Ψ At least six months’ worth of expenses in emergency savings

Ψ Example:  $2,000 monthly expenses x 6 months = $12,000

Identifying Money to Save

Ψ Increase income

Ψ Decrease spending

Let’s Practice

Click here to complete an activity on Choose to Save.

Section C – Finding Money to Save

In this section, you will complete a module on the principles and purpose of saving money and provide you strategies for saving money.

Click below to begin the module.