Word Meanings

Context Clues are using words around an unknown word to figure out the meaning.


     Reading Literature and Informational Text (11-12.4)

Determine the connotative, denotative, and figurative meanings of words and phrases as they are used in the text.    


     Let’s Practice:  Key Terms




        Section A: Context Clues

Context Clues are using words around an unknown word to figure out the meaning.  Context clues can help you improve your vocabulary.  When you see a word you don’t know, it’s usually surrounded by words you do know.  There are different ways to look for context clues.

Ø Antonyms

o   Its opposite can define mystery word

Ø Synonyms

o   Mystery word by looking for words that mean the same thing

Read each sentence below, then identify the underlined word to its meaning

Word Bank

Breathing heavily



Sounding rough


Fastening together


Tom was gasping because the bag he was carrying was so heavy.


When trying to climb a tree, be sure you are grasping the branch tightly.


Sally was still clasping her suitcase together when the plane started boarding


The teacher's voice was rasping as she gave out the homework assignment.


The smell of flowers was masking the other odors in the room.


While on vacation, Jill spent many hours basking in the sun on the beach.



There will be times that there just isn’t enough context to figure a word out. That is when you should use a dictionary.


Let’s Practice:  Context Clues



                Section B: Denotative and Connotative Meanings


Every word has both a denotative meaning and a connotative one as well. Denotation is simply a fancy word for a word's literal definition according to a dictionary. Think D for the dictionary. Denotative is a dictionary definition of a word. In addition to denotative word meanings, words have connotative word meanings as well, which is the emotional resonance of a word.  Connotations can be thought of as the charges a word has. A word can be charged positively, negatively, or neutrally.
In summary, denotation is the literal dictionary definition of a word, and a connotation is the emotional resonances or suggestions that a word has its charge.

Ø Denotative Word Meanings

o   The literal dictionary definition of a word

Ø Connotative Word Meanings

o   The emotional depth of a word

o   How does the word make you feel?

o   It is a word that is charged positively, negatively, or neutral

Identify the following terms as either an Emotional Connotation or Neutral Connotation.













Let's Practice: Dictionary and Thesaurus



     Section C: Figurative Meaning

A figurative language is a tool that authors use to convey many things, like tone or setting, character, the mood, the atmosphere of a setting. When you come across figurative language, you need to stop and think about what the author is trying to show you through that figurative language.  Figurative language can be many things. These are things like similes and metaphors, alliteration, assonance, cliches, hyperboles, idioms, and personification.

Ø Figurative Language

o   What is the author attempting to show?

o   Tools of figurative language

§  Tone à the attitude the author takes

§  Setting à The time and place of a story

§  Character à  A person in a story

§  Mood à  Feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader

o   Types of figurative language

§  Similes à comparison of things that have something in common using "like" or "as"

§  Metaphors à comparison between two unlike things WITHOUT using like or as

§  Alliteration à repetition of initial consonant sounds

§  Clichés à phrases that are used over and over again and do not mean anything

§  Hyperboles à exaggeration

§  Idioms à words and phrases that mean something different from the literal meanings of the words

§  Personification à A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes

Identify the item from the word bank to its corresponding match



Word Bank

This is a comparison of two, unlike things using the terms "like" or "as."




This is a direct comparison of two things, in which they are said to be (in some sense) the same thing.



Figurative Language

This is the reference to a person, place, or event from history, literature, or religion with which a reader is likely to be familiar.




This is an extreme exaggeration used in literary work.




This goes beyond the literal meanings of words to create special effects or feelings.



This is a phrase in everyday use that can’t be understood by literal or ordinary meanings.




This is something which seemingly cannot be, yet it is; a contradiction.






Let's Practice: Similes and Metaphors