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To evaluate mathematical expressions, there must be an order that everyone agrees upon.  Thus, we have rules for evaluating expressions called the “order of operations” that mathematicians follow.   We will take a look at the rules to find out which operations must be completed first.

Add, subtract, multiply, and divide are basic operations of computation.  There is another operation called square root where we find what number times itself is the given number.  We’ll find perfect squares and then look at how to take the square root of a perfect square.

Order of Operations 







1.  Do parentheses first.

2.  Working from left to right, do all multiplications and divisions.

3.  Working from left to right, do all additions and subtractions.



Solve   3 + 10 ÷ 2 - 1


3 + 10 ÷ 2  -  1     Divide (Step 2)


3     +   5    -  1     Add  (Step 3)


     8        -      1    Subtract (Step 3)

Answer is 7




Solve  25 – 2 × (3 + 5)


25 – 2  ×  (3  +  5)  Parenthesis first (Step 1)


25 -  ×  8             Multiply (Step 2)


25   -   16                Subtract (Step 3)

Answer is 9

 Order of Operations (Up to 3 digits)
 Order of Operations (Up to 4 digits)
 What's the Order?
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Perfect Squares and Square Roots



Perfect squares are numbers that are squares of whole numbers.

Square Roots


Square roots are numbers that when multiplied by themselves once make perfect squares.

Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.
Click on the icon to find and practice topics for this unit.
Unit 5 Order of Operations Worksheet
Click here to watch a video on "Order of Operations."
Unit 5 Define Worksheet