On the end of year assessment for English Language Arts, you will be asked to read several different passages and answer questions based on those passages. The following units will review some of types of texts you will be asked to read and some of the types of questions you will be asked to answer.
*Download the attached pdf to take notes during the lesson.
A Myth is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
Myth usually features ruling gods, goddesses, deities, and heroes having god-like-qualities, but status lower than gods.
Myths exist in every society, as they are basic elements of human culture. The main function of myths is to teach moral lessons and explain historical events.
For more information on the Greek Gods that often occur in myths, click on the link below.
Now that you understand how to approach a myth, read the following myth: Arachne
Types of Questions
The first set of questions ask the reader to identify the theme (Part A) and then support (Part B) that theme with details from the text. Remember, a theme is a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work.
Remember from the previous unit that, in fiction writing, the central idea is the theme. To determine the theme, the reader must look at the whole passage. Use the theme litmus test to answer any questions about theme.
Characterization in literature is the process authors use to develop characters and create images of the characters for the readers. There are two different approaches to characterization, including direct characterization and indirect characterization. With direct characterization, the author tells us what he or she wants us to know about the character. With indirect characterization, the author shows us things about the character to help us have an understanding of the character's personality and effect on other characters.
For more practice on characterization, click on the following link.
Characterization Practice
Click here for more practice reading and answering questions based on a Myth.