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Unit Overview

In this unit, you will again review how to write a Literary Analysis Essay.

  1. Read
    1. The first step is to read the literary texts that have been assigned.
  1. Note-Taking
    1. Then you will take notes on the literary texts based ONLY on the prompt for your essay- these notes will make up the majority of your textual evidence.


  1. Thesis Development
    1. Once you have read the texts, taken notes on the text based on the prompt, and looked over your notes, you can develop a thesis.
    2. Formula: Both [Text 1] and [Text 2] _________________ [TOPIC/THEME from prompt], but they do so in different ways. [How Text 1 deals with the topic] whereas [How Text 2 deals with the topic].
  1. Outline
    1. Before writing your essay, you should develop an outline to organize your thoughts and ideas.


  1. Drafting
    1. Next you will turn your outline into an essay. This is where you actually write your 4 to 5 paragraph essay.
  1. Title & Proofreading
    1. Finally, you will add catchy title to your essay and proofread it for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


Now you will practice writing another literary analysis essay on your own.


The following resources will help you write your essay.

Note-Taking Graphic Organizer

Introduction Graphic Organizer

Body Paragraph Graphic Organizer

Conclusion Graphic Organizer

Academic Language & Transition Sheet

Literary Analysis Grading Rubric


Read the following texts.

The Rich Man and the Bundle of Wood  The Goose with the Golden Egg

Construct a multi-paragraph response in which you compare how the theme of selfishness is explored in “The Rich Man and the Bundle of Wood” and “The Goose with the Golden Egg.”

At this time, compare your essay to the grading rubric. When you have finished, send your final essay to your teacher to be graded.