Unit 8: The Planetary Model of the Atom


Unit Overview:

In the last unit, you explored the historical development of the model of the atom, from its philosophical to scientific conceptions and to the scientific evidence for subatomic particles.  You examined the spherical, plum-pudding, and nuclear historic models of the atom.


The Spherical Model:

What it’s based on:

     Philosophical Concept

     Law of conservation of matter

     Law of definite proportions

     Law of multiple proportions

Why it explains the evidence:

If matter cannot be created or destroyed and can only combine in small, whole-number ratios, then whole atoms must react.

The Plum-Pudding Model:

What it’s based on:

     Thomson’s Cathode Ray Tube Experiment

     The discovery of the electron

Why it explains the evidence:

There is evidence of a negatively-charged particle within the atom, but matter is also neutral, so the negative particles are placed into a sea of positive charge.

The Nuclear Model:

What it’s based on:

     Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

     The discovery of the nucleus

Why it explains the evidence:

Because so few alpha particles encountered a positive charge within the foil, it cannot be a sea of positive charge, but rather a dense center of positive charge.


In this unit, you will further examine this development the model of the atom, focusing on deepening our understanding of the structural components of the atom.


What are the flaws of Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of the Atom?

Examination of the nuclear model left some unanswered questions:

1.   How do we describe the nucleus of the atom?

2.   Why do the electrons stay outside of the nucleus of an atom?

As scientists answered these questions, the model of the atom continued to change over time.



How do we describe the nucleus of the atom?

Two historical experiments that contributed to our understanding of the nucleus are described below:


1.   Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment, part 2:

     Scientist: Ernest Rutherford, 1920

     Summary of experiment: Scattering patterns were examined for various metal foils.

     Experimental evidence: The scattering patterns were different for different elements.

     Explanation: The size of the nucleus is different for different elements.

     Discovery: The proton is a positively charged particle that exists within the nucleus of the atom.

     Model of the atom:  This evidence adds to our understanding of the nucleus, describing that the size of the nucleus is based on the numbers of protons in the nucleus of the atom.





2.   Chadwick’s Beryllium Experiment:

     Scientist: James Chadwick, 1920

     Summary of experiment: Alpha particles, highly energetic, positively-charged particles were shot through a sheet of beryllium, detecting what happened to them.

     This experiment was very similar to Rutherford’s gold foil experiment, except instead of shooting the alpha particles at a thin sheet of metal foil, they were shot at a thicker sheet of beryllium metal.  This change in thickness meant that the alpha particles were inside the foil for a longer period of time.

     Chadwick chose to extend Rutherford’s experiment because he was building off of Rutherford’s findings, adding more information about the nucleus.

     Experimental evidence: A new, uncharged particle was detected on the other side of the sheet of metal, as well as protons.

     Explanation: This uncharged particle must also exist inside of the nucleus of the atom.

     Discovery: The neutron is the uncharged particle that exists within the nucleus of the atom.

     Model of the atom:  This evidence adds to our understanding of the nucleus, describing that the size of the nucleus is also based on the existence of the neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.


Why do the electrons stay outside of the nucleus of an atom?

Recall that Thomson discovered the electron during the Cathode Ray Tube experiment, in which he noticed that the light ray was attracted to the positive end of a magnetic field, leading to the explanation that it was made up of negatively charged particles.  So, the question for chemists looking at the nuclear model of the atom became: “Why aren’t the electrons simply attracted to the nucleus?”


In other words, if we know that electrons are negatively charged and we know that the nucleus is positively charged, then it would make sense that the two parts of the atom would be attracted to one another.  However, it is only the negatively-charged particles that made up the cathode ray, indicating that they are outside of the nucleus.  Chemists wanted to know what kept the electrons outside of the nucleus.


Bohr’s Hydrogen Model:


     Scientist: Neils Bohr, 1913

     Summary of experiment: The light given off by hydrogen when an electric current is passed through it was separated into its component colors.  These component colors make up the emission spectrum of the element.  The wavelengths of emitted light were used to calculate the energy associated with it.

     This experiment was very similar to Thomson’s Cathode Ray Tube experiment, except instead of placing the ray into a magnetic field, the ray of light was passed through a prism to determine its component colors.

     Bohr chose to extend Thomson’ experiment because he was building off of his findings, adding more information about the electrons.

     Experimental evidence: Each band of light emitted has a specific wavelength associated with it, which also corresponds with a specific energy value.

     Explanation: The bands of light that are emitted indicate the movement of an electron between specific energy states.

     Discovery: Energy levels are specific areas around the nucleus that have different amounts of energy.

     The ground state of an atom is the state of lowest energy in which all electrons are in their lowest possible energy levels.

     The excited state of an atom is a temporary state of the atom in which electrons are in higher energy levels.

     When atoms absorb energy (by heat or electricity), electrons gain energy which enable them to move to an excited state.

     When the electrons fall back to the ground state, energy is emitted in the form of light.

     Model of the atom:  This evidence generally answers that energy keeps the electrons outside of the nucleus of the atom.



What is the planetary model of the atom?

Together, the scientific evidence of Rutherford, Chadwick, and Bohr address the questions of the nuclear model.  From that evidence, the planetary model was developed.


What it looks like:

What it’s based on:

An extension of Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment → protons.

Chadwick’s Beryllium Experiment → neutrons.

Bohr’s Hydrogen Model → energy levels.

Why it explains the evidence:

The e


Practice:  Revisit this online quiz. (But now, you can also complete last 3 questions.)


BrainPOP Activity


In this activity, you will have another opportunity to examine the historical development of the atom over time.



1.   Go to BrainPOP and watch the video on Atomic Model.

2.   To check your understanding, complete the quiz.

3.   IMPORTANT:  This is considered an off-line activity, be sure to keep track of the time that you spend on BrainPOP.


ChemLab 1: Bohr Model: Introduction



Bohr’s examination of the emission spectra of gases, specifically hydrogen caused changes to the model of the atom.  In this lab, you will explore some of these spectra, considering the concept of energy levels in the atom.



1.   Download the Student Exploration and Vocabulary sheets for the Bohr Model: Introduction.

2.   Familiarize yourself with the words on the vocabulary sheet.

3.   Log-in to your Explore Learning account.

4.   Click on “Bohr Model: Introduction” and launch the gizmo.

5.   Answer the Prior Knowledge Question.

6.   Practice using the Gizmo, using the Gizmo warm-up instructions.

7.   After you are comfortable using the Gizmo, begin the activity. Use the lab sheet as a guide to complete the 2 activities:

a.   Activity A: Absorption Spectra

b.   Activity B: Energy Levels