What is Chemistry?

Course Overview

Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes they undergo. This is a vast subject because EVERYTHING is matter!! Solids, Liquids, Gases, and everything around you is matter. The only thing that isn't matter is ENERGY. Such as the electricity your computer is using, the heat your body is giving off, the sound coming from your mp3 player and the light and heat from the sun, these are all examples of energy and are NOT matter.

What is Chemistry?

Click the above picture to understand the introduction of chemistry.


Types of Chemistry

Laboratory, Analysis, Chemistry

Since chemistry is such a broad science, it is broken down into different aspects of matter.

·       Organic Chemistry - the study of substances that contain carbon

·       Biochemistry - the study of the substances and chemical processes found in living things

·       Inorganic Chemistry - the study of substances that do not contain carbon

·       Analytical Chemistry - the study of the composition and structure of substances/matter

·       Theoretical Chemistry the study of using computers and mathematics to develop theories and mobels of molecular systems

·       Physical Chemistry the study of the principles of physics used in chemical interactions to study the behavior and interactions of matter at the molecular and atomic level

Lets Practice -  Identify the correct type of chemistry based on the description below.

1.)  This is concerned with chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms.

2.) This is concerned with the application of the techniques and theories of physics to the study of chemical systems.

3.) This is concerned with the chemistry of carbon compounds.

4.) This is concerned with the chemistry that deals with inorganic compounds.

5.) This is concerned with using instruments and methods to identify matter.

Answer Key


Qualitative and Quantitative

Cartoon, Chemist, Chemistry, Experiment

Qualitative has to do with what the matter is made of, think of the word "Quality."

·       No numbers

Quantitative has to do with how much stuff is in the matter...think of the word "Quantity."

·       Numbers

Lets Practice Identity as either qualitative or quantitative.

6.) Determine whether the following statement is about qualitative or quantitative data: The baby weighs 20 pounds.

7.) Determine whether the following statement is about qualitative or quantitative data: My friend is thrilled.

8.) Determine whether the following statement is about qualitative or quantitative data: The sky is greyish-blue.

9.) Determine whether the following statement is about qualitative or quantitative data: Joe is 6 foot 2.

10.) Determine whether the following statement is about qualitative or quantitative data: Diana has $100.

     Answer Key


Levels of Study


Like all sciences, chemistry and its various branches fall into two categories: Pure and Applied.

Pure science is science to increase mankind's knowledge of the universe.

Applied science is taking that knowledge and making our lives better.

·       Applied science is better known as TECHNOLOGY, and we all love our technology.

Lets Practice Identify as either Pure or Applied Science.

11.) Development of antibiotics

12.)  Study of the moons phases

13.) Creating a shatter-resistant glass

14.)  Observation of climate changes in the northeast part of Ohio

15.) Apply climate change data to predict the impact of native Ohio wildlife

          Answer Key



          Enrollment Instruction to Virtual Lab

Throughout this course, you will explore chemistry in a virtual lab setting.  The virtual labs are referred to as Gizmos, and the website is called Explore Learning. So, to begin, you need to follow these instructions to enroll:

Follow these simple steps to enroll to access these "Gizmos."

1.  Contact your teacher to enroll you in Gizmos.

2.  Your teacher will send you a "Student Login Card." 

a.   Look at the example card below

3.   Once you receive your "Student Login Card," please click the link below and follow the instructions.

Login - Student | ExploreLearning


Step 1


Enter your teacher's username: Located on Student Login Card



Step 2


Select your class: Located on Student Login Card



Step 3


Select your name:  It will be your first name with the first letter of your last name.



Step 4


Select your product:  Gizmos


Step 5


Enter your password:  Password located on Student Login Card




Step 6


Click on your course to get to the Gizmos.






How does the virtual lab work?

When you work in the virtual lab, you will follow these general directions:

1.    Download the lab sheet and accompanying vocabulary sheet linked in your course.

2.    Familiarize yourself with the words on the vocabulary sheet that will be used within the lab activity.

3.    Click on the title of the lab described in your lab sheet and launch the gizmo for it.

4.    Always begin with the Prior Knowledge Question and the Gizmo Warm-Up instructions.

a.    The Prior Knowledge question is intended to help you connect your ideas/experiences to the concept that you are examining.

b.    The Gizmo Warm-Up instructions give you practice using the tools in the lab before you begin.

5.    After you are comfortable using the tools, begin the activity. Use the lab sheet as a guide it provides both step-by-step directions and questions to answer as you conduct the lab.  Decide how you want to work:

a.    You can type your answers directly into the lab sheet that you download.

b.    You can print the lab sheet and write your answers on it.

Now that you are enrolled, you will conduct your virtual lab!

          Measuring Volume


In this lab, you will be exploring the quantitative measurement of volume, using various tools and measurements, depending on what is being measured. 


1)    Download the Student Exploration:  Measuring Volume lab sheet and the Vocabulary:  Measuring Volume.

2)    Familiarize yourself with the words on the vocabulary.

3)    Log-in to your Explore Learning account.

4)    Click on Measuring Volume and launch the gizmo.

5)    Answer the Prior Knowledge Question.

6)    Practice using the Gizmo, using the Gizmo warm-up instructions.

7)    After you are comfortable using the Gizmo, begin the activity. Use the lab sheet as a guide to complete the 3 activities:

a.    Activity A: Volume of Liquids

b.    Activity B: Regular Solids

c.     Activity C: Water Displacement