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During the first part of the lab you are given the opportunity to hypothesize about a projectiles angle, velocity, range, maximum height and time of travel. You will see how these variables directly affect a projectile.   In part two of the lab you will observe a projectile with and without air resistance in order to determine the effect of air resistance on a projectile. In part two, you will also be able to see how mass affects a projectile in terms of angle and initial velocity.


Part I

Go to the University of Colorado Physics Simulations Website PhET:



Download the printable worksheet below. Once you have the worksheet completed , scroll to question #1.


Projection Motion Simulator Worksheet







You can grab, drag, rotate, and stretch the objects to satisfy the requirements. You can also use + and - , ERASE, and FIRE buttons. You can download the labs to your desktop. It is wise to house all of the simulations in a folder so you can refer back to them when needed.


Assume no air resistance. Set the sound on.


Part II

Use the same simulator as in Part I.



Download the printable worksheet below. Once you have the worksheet completed , scroll to question #9.

Learning and Simulating Projectile Motion Worksheet


Below are additional educational resources and activities for this unit.

Unit 5 Resource 1

Unit 5 Resource 2